1.0.0-alpha6 • Published 4 years ago

gatsby-remark-reason-rendering v1.0.0-alpha6

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Last release
4 years ago


npm npm

A gatsby-remark plugin that will compile and embed the reason code snippet files in your Markdown files.


Add the plugin as dependency to your gatsby project.

# yarn
yarn add gatsby-remark-reason-rendering
# npm
npm install --save gatsby-remark-reason-rendering

Add the plugin to your gatsby-config.js as gatsby-transformer-remark plugin.

  resolve: 'gatsby-transformer-remark',
  options: {
    plugins: [

Install a compatible version of bs-platform. This is required to allow the use of Reason in the Gatsby project. bs-platform requires the same version to be used throughout a project.

# yarn
yarn add bs-platform@^7
# npm
npm install --save bs-platform@^7


The behaviour of the code snippet compilation and embedding can be controlled by adding annotations to docblocks in the snippet.

Annotations are directives prefixed by the @ symbol.


The prelude annotation controls how your script is run while being embedded. The default prelude is react-component which will import your Reason snippet as if it's a React component and render it without arguments.

An example of using the none prelude which simply imports your snippet without any extra setup.

 * @prelude none
type console;
[@bs.val] external con : console = "console"
[@bs.send] external jsLog: (console, string) => unit = "log"

jsLog(con, "This will print a message to the console in your browser but show nothing");

The current preludes shipped with this plugin are:

  • none
  • react-component


To specify additional dependencies for a code snippet, create a docblock that contains a dependency annotation.

For example the following snippet depends on the on the gatsby-remark-reason-rendering-test package.

 * @dependency gatsby-remark-reason-rendering-test

Console.log("Hello World");

reason-react is added as a dependency for all snippets by default.

Plugin configuration

The plugin itself does not support any configuration.

Known Limitations


This plugin currently always adds the development build of React/ReactDOM to the page from the unpkgd CDN. This ensures that React snippets work. Work needs to be done to make this configurable and swap to the production build when Gatsby is building for deployment.