0.0.1 • Published 6 years ago

gatsby-skeleton-starter v0.0.1

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6 years ago

Gatsby Skeleton Starter

NPM Version codecov Build Status DUB

The is a static site built with Gatsby. It would particularly suit a developer who wants to publish articles and share code, but it would also be fine for a simple blog. It aims to be quick and easy to use straight out of the box and easy to customise if you want to.


Install all NPM modules:


Run the site in the development server:

yarn run dev

Open development server in default browser:

yarn run open

Build a production version of the site to /public:

yarn run build

Run the built version of the site locally (note: you will get a 404 if you haven't already built the site)

yarn run serve

If you have set the site up with Surge you can publish:

Deploy to staging:

yarn run deploy-staging

Deploy to production:

yarn run deploy-production


Inside src is a config.js file. This is where you can set up much of the site by updating the fields.



Javascript is transpiled using Babel. The .babelrc file in the project root started as a copy of the file included with Gatsby, which will now use this file instead.

The fabric of the site is split into:

  • Components found in src/components.
  • Layouts found in src/layouts.
  • Pages found in src/pages.


Articles are built using the directories in the articles directory. Each directory should contain a markdown file and a separate images directory. The markdown file should define frontmatter containing at minimum:

  • title The title of the article (which will also be used for the title field in the page head.
  • date The data of the article in the form YYYY-MM-DD.

The following fields can also be used:

  • slug The last fragment used for the page slug.
  • description The description metadata for the page.
  • keywords The keywords metadata for the page.

Dynamic Data

Dynamic data is pulled into the application using GraphQL queries in the pages or layouts from where it is passed into the components.

Site Data

Site metadata, for example company name or start date for a copyright statement is defined in the metadata object within gatsby-config.js, pulled into the index layout an passed into the components.


Metadata is drawn from two locations.

  • For pages within the /pages dir pull in their metadata from the file metadata.yaml, using a unique key.
  • Articles define their metadata in their frontmatter using title, description and keywords fields.


Favicons are generated automatically at all configured sizes using the image file src/images/favicons/favicon.png.


Linting is via ESLint and Prettier, configured in .eslintrc and .prettierrc respectively.

Google Analytics

Google analytics is integrated using a Gatsby plugin and configured with a tracking id in production via an environmental variable. The tracking ID can be found on your analytics.google.com account for relevant property, and will take the form: UA-XXXXXXXX-X.

Placeholder images

Via placeholder.com



Skull By Tina Rataj-Berard (The Noun Project) CC BY 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), via Wikimedia Commons