1.1.0 • Published 5 years ago

gatsby-source-modular-graphql v1.1.0

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Last release
5 years ago

Gatsby Modular GraphQL Source Plugin

Gatsby source plugin which adds modularized third-party GraphQL schemas to Gatsby GraphQL with Apollo-Client side execution support.

Conceptual thoughts

  • Unified and frontend-driven way to define schemas, resolvers, context and data queries/mutations
  • Adds local and remote third-party GraphQL schemas to the client-side and Gatsby GraphQL data sources
  • Modularize and combine multiple local and remote GraphQL-Schemas into One-Graph

Read more:


npm install gatsby-source-modular-graphql --save-dev yarn add gatsby-source-modular-graphql --dev

How to use?


  resolve: 'gatsby-source-modular-graphql',
  options: {
    path: './graphql',
      process.env.NODE_ENV === 'remote'
        ? ['my-remote-schema']
        : ['my-local-schema'],

How to add a local schema?


module.exports = {
  typeDefs: `
  type Query {
    todos: [Todo]

  type Todo {
    id: ID!
    description: String
    done: Boolean
  resolvers: {
    Query: {
      todos: (parent, args, { todos: { todosAll } }) => {
        return todosAll();
  context: {
    todos: {
      todosAll: () => [
        { id: 1, description: 'A', done: false, modifiedAt: Date.now() },
        { id: 2, description: 'B', done: false, modifiedAt: Date.now() },

How to add a remote schema?


module.exports = {
  uri: 'https://example.com/graphql',
  headers: {
    authorization: 'secret',
  typeDefs: `
  type Query {
    todos: [Todo]

  type Todo {
    id: ID!
    description: String
    done: Boolean

How to use in my Gatsby-Pages and React-Components?