0.1.0 • Published 5 years ago

gatsby-starter-github-portfolio v0.1.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
5 years ago


This is a starter site that attempts to follow the following flow:

  1. During development:
  • fetch data from github
  • filter and sort the data you got from github
  1. At build time:
  • static results get you a static page
  1. When accessing the site:
  • no API calls to Github's API


npm install gatsby-starter-github-portfolio


  • modify gatsby-config.js. Replace ldd (my user name) with yours. For example:
  q: "author:someUser is:merged state:closed type:pr sort:comments",
  author: "someUser"


  • yarn develop or npm develop for development

  • yarn build or npm build to create a build that you can deploy to your favourite host

Tips and tricks

You probably want to look at gatsby-source-github-api for how to make valid queries.

Ideally, you should only modify:

  • gatsby-config.js to change the graphQL query from the github API
  • main.js to change the query on the data
  • dataParser.js to filter and sort the data you got


There was an error in your GraphQL query

  • make sure you have a token and that you saved it in a file named .env
  • if you want to make a RAW github v4 Query, do it in gatsby-config.js
    • My plugin, gatsby-source-github-api takes an optional field, graphQLQuery, that let's you define it