0.2.8 • Published 6 years ago

gatsby-theme-docs-engine v0.2.8

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Last release
6 years ago

Bantan Docs Engine by Ironstar

This is a Gatbsy Theme for technical documentation websites.

See Bantan Docs Engine Reference Guide for more detailed information.


  • Node.js >= 8
  • yarn/npm

Quick Start

git init
yarn init
yarn add gatsby-theme-docs-engine gatsby graphql react react-dom webpack
touch index.js
touch gatsby-config.js

Fill your new gatsby-config.js file with the following to activate the theme

module.exports = {
  __experimentalThemes: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-theme-docs-engine',
      options: {},

Run yarn develop to start the development server

Visit http://localhost:8000 to view the base documentation set

Running Outside Theme Context

This project is at its heart, a Gatsby project. Which means the default docs can be spun up for this project directly without initialising a theme. This is mostly useful for making contributions to this repository.

You can just run yarn develop to get it up and running.

The key differential due to gatsby-config.js not allowing export of a function as is required for theme definition, is that a flag is set. GATSBY_THEME_LOCAL=true