1.0.1 β€’ Published 3 years ago

gatsby-theme-paste v1.0.1

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Last release
3 years ago

Gatsby Theme Paste

A unofficial Gatsby blog theme using Paste with high accecibility and inclusion.


For a new site

If you want to create a new site with this theme, run the command below. This will generate a new site with all necessary configurations.

gatsby new my-paste-blog https://github.com/shyamajp/gatsby-theme-paste-starter

For an existing site

  1. Install the theme
  npm install gatsby-theme-paste
  1. Add the configuration to your gatsby-config.js file
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-theme-paste`,
      options: {
        // basePath defaults to `/`
        basePath: `/blog`,
  1. Add blog posts to your site by creating md or mdx files inside /content/posts or your customised contentPath.

  2. Run your site.

gatsby develop

By default, your site will be running at http://localhost:8000.


This is an example project structure

Project Structure

πŸ“‚ my-paste-blog
+---πŸ“œ gatsby-config.js
+---πŸ“œ package.json
+---πŸ“‚ content
    +---πŸ“‚ assets
    β”‚   +---πŸ–ΌοΈ avatar.png
    β”‚   +---πŸ–ΌοΈ default.jpg
    β”‚   +---πŸ–ΌοΈ main.jpg
    β”‚   +---πŸ“œ about.md
    β”‚   +---πŸ“œ contact.md
    β”‚   +---πŸ“œ privacy-and-policy.md
    +---πŸ“œ my-first-blog.md
    +---πŸ“œ my-second-blog.mdx
    +---πŸ“‚ my-third-blog
        +---πŸ“œ blog-content.mdx
        +---πŸ–ΌοΈ blog-image.jpg

Theme options

KeyDefault valueDescription
basePath/Root url for all blog posts
contentPathcontent/postsLocation of blog posts
limit1000Set the amount of pages that should be generated

Example Usage

// gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: "gatsby-theme-paste",
      options: {
        // basePath defaults to `/`
        basePath: "/blog",
        // number of posts in one page
        postsPerPage: 10,

Site Metadata Configuration

titleStringSite title for SEO
descriptionStringSite description for SEO
authorAuthor detail displayed in the sidebar and footer
author.nameStringName of the author
author.descriptionStringDescription of the author
siteUrlStringSite url
menuLinks[]Menu items displayed in the header
menuLinks.nameStringName of the menu item
menuLinks.linkStringLink of the menu item
quickLinks[]Quick link items displayed in the footer
quickLinks.nameStringName of the quick link item
quickLinks.linkStringLink of the quick link item
social[]Social links displayed in the sidebar and footer
social.nameStringName of the social site
social.urlStringUrl of the social site

In addition to the theme options, there are a handful of items you can customize via the siteMetadata object in your site's gatsby-config.js.

Example Usage

// gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  siteMetadata: {
    // Used for SEO
    title: "My Blog Title",
    description: "My site description",
    // Used for SEO in the footer and sidebar
    author: {
      name: "shyamajp",
      description: "I love technologies!",
    // Used for resolving images in social cards
    siteUrl: "https://example.com",
    // Used for internal links in the header
    menuLinks: [
        name: "Home",
        link: "/",
        name: "About",
        link: "/about",
    // Used for quick links in the footer
    quickLinks: [
        name: "Home",
        link: "/",
        name: "About",
        link: "/about",
        name: "Tags",
        link: "/tags",
        name: "Categories",
        link: "/about",
    // Used for social links in the footer and sidebar
    social: [
        name: "Twitter",
        url: "https://twitter.com/gatsbyjs",
        name: "GitHub",
        url: "https://github.com/gatsbyjs",
        name: "YouTube",
        url: "https://www.youtube.com/",
        name: "LinkedIn",
        url: "https://www.linkedin.com/",

Blog Post Fields

The following are the defined blog post fields based on the node interface in the schema

type"post" or "page"

An example markdown looks like the following:

title: "Blog title"
date: 2022-01-01
image: "./blog-image.jpg"
description: "This is just an example description."
  - "technologies"
  - "tutorial"
  - "react"
  - "gatsby"
type: "post"

# Yay

This blog renders!



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