0.0.1 • Published 3 years ago

gatsby-theme-test v0.0.1

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Last release
3 years ago


This is a gatsby theme project, and cannot be run directly.

You can either:

  • install the theme as a gatsby plugin in your project
  • develop on the theme locally through the example project

This document outlines how the theme is setup, its plugin and configuration.

For usage on how to use as a theme, see ../readme.md.

Setup, configuration & plugins




You can find the config for i18n, using i18next with gatsby-plugin-react-i18next.

  • the markdown content is located in ./content/{language}/{content_type}/*/
  • the language strings are located in ./locales/{language}/{data_type}.json

The default language (and fallback language) is en for english.

Extract strings

To extract the strings that needs to be translated, it is possible to run yarn extract-locales, which will generate the /locales-tmp folder.

netlify-cms (admin)

netlify-cms-app & gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms are used to setup [netlify-cms](https://www.netlifycms.org) for this project.

The gatsby gatsby-config pluggin, points to the file src/cms/index.js, as entry file of the configuration.

local git-gateway backend

To develop and use netlify-cms with the data available in the local repository folder:

In the file ./.env.development set:


Then in the project's root folder run:

npx netlify-cms-proxy-server

and in an other shell and the same folder, run the development server as usual.