1.0.0 • Published 7 years ago
gcloud_downloader v1.0.0
Cloud Downloader
This NodeJS app lets you download any online file to Google Drive .
How it works
- It downloads the file at the direct link provided .
- Creates an OAuth2.0 client using googleapis
- Connects drive using the authorization
- Uploads the downloaded file to gdrive
- Gives GDrive link to the file
It also maintains a basic database in json that saves the last status and name , date of the file . Upon deletion the download taskas well the file and the entry are deleted from the Database .
- Get credentials.json from https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/quickstart/go
- Put in the project directory
- Run
node .
Using NPM
npm install gcloud_downloader
Thanks Contact : admin@hoptech.in My Website http://hoptech.in/
7 years ago