1.1.1 • Published 3 years ago

gcs-env v1.1.1

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Last release
3 years ago


Populate environment variables based on values stored in a Google Cloud Storage bucket.

Usage: gcs-env -b bucket [-e environment] <command> [args...]

    bucket      GCS bucket your environment variables are stored in
    environment Name of this environment, used as a prefix when reading from
                the bucket. If environment is not specified, gcs-env will
                attempt to connect to the Compute Engine Metadata service and use the current
                project ID as the environment name.
    command     Command to execute
    args        Optional arguments to be passed to command


You must be authenticated with a Google Cloud account for this to work. Run gcloud auth login or read Getting Started with Authentication for information on using application default credentials.

echo -n "supersecretpassword" >SECRET_VARIABLE_NAME
gsutil mb gs://example-env
gsutil cp SECRET_VARIABLE_NAME gs://example-env/exampleprojectid/SECRET_VARIABLE_NAME
gcs-env -b example-env -e exampleprojectid -- /bin/sh -c 'echo ${SECRET_VARIABLE_NAME}'

You should configure permissions on the GCS bucket or individual objects to limit who can read and modify your secrets!