0.3.1 • Published 8 years ago

gcsj v0.3.1

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Last release
8 years ago

GCSJ: Predefined Gulp-Tasks for Coffeescrip, Sass, Jade environments with Nodemon for CoffeeScript-Backend


Download and install the package via:

node install --save-dev gcsj

Create a gulpfile.js in your project directory with following content:

var gulp = require('gulp'),
    conf = require('./conf/gulp.json');

gulp.tasks = require('gcsj')(conf);

Sample configuration

As you can see in the previous example this package requires a config file. This config file could have the following structure:

  "run": [],
  "clean": "public/**/*",
  "components": {
    "src": "src/client/**/*.coffee",  
    "dest": "public/js/"
  "libs": {
    "src":  [
    "dest": "public/js/"
  "views": {
    "src": "src/client/index.jade",
    "include": "src/client/*/**/*.jade",
    "dest": "public/"
  "css": {
    "src": "src/client/assets/css/styles.sass",
    "dest": "public/css/"
  "copy": {
    "bower_components/bootstrap-sass/assets/fonts/bootstrap/*": "public/fonts/"
  "nodemon": {
    "script": "src/server/server.coffee",
    "watch": [
    "env": {
      "NODE_ENV": "development"
  "browserSync": {
    "proxy": "localhost:3000",
    "port": 3001,
    "files": [

Predefined Gulp-Tasks

  • build
    • transpiles sources
    • concatenates js-libs
    • moves resulting sources to destination folder e.g. public
  • watch
    • runs build task
    • runs shell scripts (optional)
    • runs browser-sync
    • runs nodemon (optional)
    • watches source files for changes
      • transpiles sources
      • reloads browser
  • nodemon
    • todo..
  • releaseBower
    • todo..
  • releaseNPM
    • todo..
  • releaseGHPages
    • todo..

Known issues

  • Some tasks may not terminate when there are no files to transpile
  • Not well tested but the intention is clear, isn't it?