1.0.2 • Published 2 years ago

gd-plist-parser v1.0.2

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2 years ago

Geometry Dash PLIST Parser

CLI that parses property list files linking Geometry Dash spritesheets.


Geometry Dash PLIST Parser property list files linking Geometry Dash spritesheets to show information in a variety of ways, whether it be a JSON, sprite info, saving a sprite, or saving all sprites. The resource path is customizable from your user profile directory.

> gd-plist-parser
   ____ ____    ____  _ _     _     ____
  / ___|  _ \  |  _ \| (_)___| |_  |  _ \ __ _ _ __ ___  ___ _ __
 | |  _| | | | | |_) | | / __| __| | |_) / _` | '__/ __|/ _ \ '__|
 | |_| | |_| | |  __/| | \__ \ |_  |  __/ (_| | |  \__ \  __/ |
  \____|____/  |_|   |_|_|___/\__| |_|   \__,_|_|  |___/\___|_|
CLI that parses property list files linking Geometry Dash spritesheets.

Usage: gd-plist-parser (plist) [option]

--help/-h:           Display this help menu.
--info/-i (keyword): Display info of the sprite corresponding to the given keyword.
--json/-j:           Save the plist file as a crisp and beautiful JSON.
--output/-o (path):  Set the output path to save the file to.
--save/-s (keyword): Save the sprite corresponding to the given keyword.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.