1.0.0 • Published 7 years ago

gen-range v1.0.0

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7 years ago


Generators-powered (lazily-computed) Rust-like range library. Created just for the fun of it.



Include the range.js in your page like so:

<script src="node_modules/gen-range/range.js"></script>

The range() function will become available in the global context:

for (let n of range(0, 10)) {
  // do something with n

Note that gen-range is not compatible with Internet Explorer (unless transpiled by babel or traceur).

Node.js / Browserify / Webpack

Import the range function using require or import whichever is supported by your platform:

const range = require('gen-range')

// ---- or ----

import range from 'gen-range'

Note that gen-range is not compatible with Node.js 5 or older (unless transpiled by babel or traceur).


To create a sequence (range) of numeric values, specify the starting and ending values of the sequence as the arguments of the range function respectively:

let sequence = range(0, 10)

The ending value will not be included in the generated sequence (unless set to Infinity).

The starting value must be a safe integer (an integer within the Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER and Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER range), the ending value must be a safe integer or positive or negative Infitnity.

The generated sequence is iterable and is its own iterator:

for (let n of range(0, 10)) {
  console.log(n) // will output 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 to the console

let sequence = range(0, 10)
let iteration = sequence.next()
while (!iteration.done) {
  console.log(iteration.value) // same as the for..of loop above
  iteration = sequence.next()

// This will spread the sequence and create the following array:
// [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
let values = [...range(0, 5)]

Decrementing sequences are supported as well:

for (let n of range(10, 0)) {
  console.log(n) // will output 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 to the console

Set both parameters to the same value to create an empty sequence:

for (let n of range(0, 0)) {
  console.log(n) // this will never be executed

The range() function does accept a third parameter to specify the step between two consecutive values of the generated sequence:

for (let n of range(0, 10, 3)) {
  console.log(n) // will output 0, 3, 6, 9 to the console

All sequences have the length property which reports the total number of elements that the sequence has so farm and will until reaching the end, produced:

console.log(range(0, 10).length) // 10
console.log(range(15, -15).length) // 30
console.log(range(0, 10, 3).length) // 4

Note that the length of filtered infinite sequences and infinite sequence with a predicate stop (see below) cannot be determined in a finite time, therefore the length property will return Infinity in such cases.

Last but not least, the generated sequences can be infinite - just set the second argument to either Infinity or -Infinity. Infinite sequences are not very useful on its own, however, they are useful in combination with filters and transformed sequences where the necessary length is not known upfront (see below for sequence modifiers):

// Creates the following sequence: 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, ...
let infiniteSequence = range(15, Infinity)
console.log(infiniteSequence.length) // Infinity

// None of the following statements would finish:
let values = [...infiniteSequence]
for (let n of infiniteSequence) {}

Modifying the created sequences

The generated sequences expose various APIs which are used to create a pipeline that filters and/or modifies the generated values.

Chaining multiple modifiers will cause the generated values to be passed through all of the applied modifiers in the sequence that they were attached. Since applying modifiers creates a pipeline, iterating the last produced sequence object iterates also all the sequence objects up the whole pipeline, including the source numeric sequence created using the range() function.


The simples transformation is enumerating the values couples with their indexes in the sequence:

for (let [index, value] of range(4, 7).enumerate()) {
  // This will output { index: 0, value: 4 }, { index: 1, value: 5 },
  // { index: 2, value: 6 } to the console
  console.log({ index, value })

Transforming sequence values

The values produced by the sequence can be transformed using the map() method:

for (let n of range(0, 5).map(n => n * 2)) {
  console.log(n) // will output 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 to the console

The map() accepts a callback which will be called for each element of the sequence and will obtain the following arguments:

  • the value generated by the sequence
  • the index of the generated value within the sequence
  • reference to the sequence itself

The value returned by the callback will be returned as the iteration value of the returned sequence.

Filtering sequence values

Use the filter() method to filter the values generated by the sequence:

for (let n of range(0, 10).filter(n => n > 5)) {
  console.log(n) // will produce 6, 7, 8, 9 to the console

The filter() method accepts a callback which will be called for each element of the sequence and will obtain the following arguments:

  • the value generated by the sequence
  • the index of the generated value within the returned sequence, should it pass the test
  • reference to the sequence itself

Only the values for which the callback returns a truthy value (e.g. true) will be included in the returned sequence.

Reversing a sequence

Sequences can be reversed using the reverse() method:

for (let n of range(0, 5).reverse()) {
  console.log(n) // will output 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 to the console

Reversing a sequence that has other modifiers applied to it usually means that all its elements has to be computed first, which may be CPU-intensive for long sequences.

Infinite sequences cannot be reversed.

Restricting the length of a sequence

The length of a sequence can be restricted using either the take() method or the takeWhile() method:

for (let n of range(0, Infinity).take(3)) {
  console.log(n) // will output 0, 1, 2 to the console
for (let n of range(0, 10).takeWhile(n => n < 3)) {
  console.log(n) // will output 0, 1, 2 to the console

The take() method accepts the maximum number the returned sequence should be able to produce as its argument.

The takeWhile() method accepts a callback as its argument. The callback will be applied to every candidate value to test whether the value should be included in the sequence. The callback will receive the following arguments:

  • the candidate value
  • the index of the candidate value, should it pass the test
  • the returned sequence itself

The callback must return a falsy value (e.g. false) once it encounters a value that should not, nor any value following it, be a part of the returned sequence. This will terminate the returned sequence.

Note that while the take() method can be used to create a finite sequence from an infinite one, the takeWhile() method should not be used to do the same, because the passed callback may never return false. Therefore, while it is possible to use takeWhile() with infinite sequences, proceed on your own risk.

Manipulating the created sequences

The created sequence objects also provide various methods for manipulating the sequences.

Reducing the sequence to a single value

To reduce the whole sequence using a provided operation, use the reduce() method:

let sum = range(0, 5).reduce(0, (a, b) => a + b) // 10

The reduce() method accepts two arguments: the second one is a callback representing the operation, and the first one is the value to use for the first argument of the callback when processing the first element of the remainder of the sequence. The callback passed to the second argument will receive the following arguments:

  • the first argument of the reduce() method when processing the first element of the sequence, or the current partial result
  • the currently processed element of the sequence
  • the index of the currently processed element of the sequence
  • the currently processed sequence itself

Resetting a sequence

Any sequence in any state can be reset to its initial state before any element of it has been consumed by invoking the reset() method.

Calling reset() on a sequence in pipeline therefore resets the whole pipeline.

Cloning a sequence

The clone() method creates a copy of the source sequence in its current state, also reflecting the already consumed values of the sequence:

let source = range(0, 5)
source.next() // 0
source.clone().next() // 1
source.next() // 1

Cloning a sequence that is the end of a pipeline clones the whole pipeline from the source to the cloned sequence.

Exporting a sequence to an array

Since it is not always safe to use the spread operator to convert a sequence to an array because of infinite sequences, the toArray() method provides a safer alternative.

The toArray() method throws an error when invoked on an infinite sequence.