1.0.4 • Published 8 years ago

gencode v1.0.4

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Last release
8 years ago


Generator source code and files, with: text format, minification, indenting, and beautify.

This library also provides all the functions necessary to convert between different data types and store in files.


$> npm install gencode --save



var gencode = require('gencode');
import gencode from 'gencode';

Array to file

Storing an array in a file of any extension.

var array = ['1', '2', '555543', '23423', 'Lorem ipsum', 'Lorem ipsum 2', 'Lorem ipsum 3', 231];

gencode.toFile(array, '/home/julian/Desktop/test', 'array.txt', '\n').then((value) => {
	console.log("Result: ", value);
	/* Result: successfull */
}, function(err) {
	console.log("Error: ", err);

Content of file /home/julian/Escritorio/test/array.txt =>
Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum 2
Lorem ipsum 3

Complex input

  • name: file name, extension: html, txt, jade, jsx, css, xml, md, and many more.
  • content:
    • line: a line with any content (string, number, boolean) Required
    • space: Initial spacing before the line (number) Optional Default 0 spaces
    • tabs: Initial tabulations space. Optional Default 0 spaces, no tabs


  • The main priority is the spaces, ie, if there are spaces and tabs then the_ spaces are taken.
var input = {
	name: 'index.html',
	content: [{
		line: '<title>Example</title>',
		space: 0,
		tabs: 0
	}, {
		line: '<div class="header">',
	}, {
		line: '<div class="container">',
		space: 4,
		tabs: 1
	}, {
		line: '<div class="logo">',
		space: 5,
		tabs: 1
	}, {
		line: '<a href="/">Title</a>',
		space: 5,
		tabs: 1
	}, {
		line: '</div>',
		space: 5,
		tabs: 1
	}, {
		line: '<div class="header-right">',
		space: 5,
		tabs: 1
	}, {
		line: '<a href="/empresa"><span>Hello</span></a>',
		space: 5,
		tabs: 1
	}, {
		line: '</div>',
		space: 2,
		tabs: 1,
		repeat: 2
	}, {
		tabs: 2


var input = {
	name: 'index.html',
	content: [{
		line: '<title>Example</title>',
		space: 0,
		tabs: 0
	}, {
		line: '<div class="header">',
	}, {
		line: '<div class="container">',
		tabs: 1
	}, {
		line: '<div class="logo">',
		space: 5
	}, {
		line: '<a href="/">Title</a>',
		space: 5
	}, {
		line: '</div>',
		space: 5
	}, {
		line: '<div class="header-right">',
		tabs: 1
	}, {
		line: '<a href="/empresa"><span>Hello</span></a>',
		space: 5
	}, {
		line: '</div>',
		space: 2,
		repeat: 2 //Repeats </div> two times
gencode.generatorfull(input, "/home/julian/Desktop/test/", "index.html").then((value) => {
	console.log("output: ", value);
}, function(err) {
	console.log("Error: ", err);

Output without file:

var input = {
	name: 'index.html',
	content: [{
		line: '<title>Example</title>',
		space: 0,
		tabs: 0
	}, {
		line: '<div class="header">',
	}, {
		line: '<div class="container">',
		space: 4,
		tabs: 1
	}, {
		line: '<div class="logo">',
		space: 5,
		tabs: 1
	}, {
		line: '<a href="/">Title</a>',
		space: 5,
		tabs: 1
	}, {
		line: '</div>',
		space: 5,
		tabs: 1
	}, {
		line: '<div class="header-right">',
		space: 5,
		tabs: 1
	}, {
		line: '<a href="/empresa"><span>Hello</span></a>',
		space: 5,
		tabs: 1
	}, {
		line: '</div>',
		space: 2,
		tabs: 1,
		repeat: 2
	}, {
		tabs: 2 //this is an error in strict mode.

 * [generator description]
 * @param  {[json]} input [json input]
 * @param  {[boolean]} false [strict mode, ends the generation if an error is found.]
 * @return {[string]}       [output]
gencode.generator(input, false).then((value) => {
	console.log("output: ", value);
}, function(err) {
	console.log("Error: ", err);


Read file and process content

Content file ():

  • a
  • aaronita
  • aarónico
  • aba
  • ababa
  • ababillarse
  • ababol
  • abacal
gencode.utils.toArray('/home/julian/Desktop/test/entrada.txt', 'utf8', '\n').then((value) => { //Too: \n, \t, -, etc.
  console.log("Result:", JSON.stringify(value));
}, (error) => {
  console.log("ERROR=>", error);

Result: ["a","aaronita","aarónico","aba","ababa","ababillarse","ababol","abacal"]

Save file

var content = "if (err) {	reject(err); } else {	resolve('successfull'); }";

gencode.save(content, '/home/julian/Escritorio/test', 'save.js').then((value) => {
	console.log("Result:\n", value);
}, function(err) {
	console.log("Error: ", err);

Generating separation

console.log(gencode.utils.separator(3, "\n") + "|Ends here the result");

|Ends here the result
console.log(gencode.utils.separator(3, "\t") + "|Ends here the result");
//			|Ends here the result
console.log(gencode.utils.separator(4, "_") + "|Ends here the result");
//____|Ends here the result
var array = ['any', 'number', 'or', 'string', 100, 200];
var array = ['any', 'number', 'or', 'string', 100, 200];
console.log(gencode.utils.arrayToString(array, '\t')); //\t, \n, _, etc.
//any	number	or	string	100	200