0.0.16 • Published 3 years ago
generate-codeowners v0.0.16
Generate Codeowners
Original use case was to introduce CODEOWNERS
-files within an organization with a large amount of repositories. The idea was to generate a file based on the Git-history.
Execute it with:
npx generate-codeowners
Usage: generate-codeowners [options]
-gd, --gitdir <dir> Directory with Git repository. (default: "generate-codeowners")
-s, --since <time> Same as Git:s <since> format. (default: "365.day.ago")
-micc, --minimumcommitcount <number> Ignore committers with less commits. (default: "0")
-manc, --maximumnumberofcommitters Include most active committers (default: "100")
-id, --identifier <committerEmail| What to add as identifer. (default: "committerEmail")
-ii, --ignoreidentifiers <regexp> Regexp to test against identifer. (default: "noreply")
-cf, --codeownersfile <name> The CODEOWNERS-file (default: "CODEOWNERS")
-d, --dryrun Do not change anything, just print what would be changed. (default: false)
-v, --version Display version (default: false)
-h, --help display help for command