0.0.50 • Published 9 years ago

generator-angular-jeej v0.0.50

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Last release
9 years ago


Why would you use this generator ? Because it gives: Gulp, Angular, coffeescript, jquery, bootstrap, font awesome, commitement to open source. browser sync, karma, jasmine, jslint, uglify, coverall and more. with some tests examples, and a sassy way to use sass. status: working by now. Yet there are some dependecies to make work. See Todo's section.

$ gulp

if you did no error in these watched files, you will be able to reach your webapp (live reloading) on localhost. http://localhost:3002/

sub Generators

You can run a command to build an angular controller:

$ yo angular-jeej:controller

Or a service

$ yo angular-jeej:controller

they will be created in the folder /src/coffee


if you have issues while running the generator, like dependencies failues, update your generators.


  • wiredep to link dependencies with bower on the index template.
  • add breadcrumb module
  • gulp making documentation
  • ui router to add to angluar
  • command to build a ng route
  • Write more tests

made with the Yeoman generator

by Tykayn - Tykayn Github If you'd like to get to know Yeoman better and meet some of his friends, Grunt and Bower, check out the complete Getting Started Guide.
