generator-bane v0.4.6
Bane is originally based off of tbranyen's brilliant Backbone Boilerplate. All credit for Backbone Boilerplate goes to him and the contributors to that project.
This is a Yeoman generator for Bane.
Getting started
- Make sure you have yo installed:
npm install -g yo
- Install the generator:
npm install -g generator-bane
- Run:
yo bane
This is basically a more "opinionated" version of Backbone Boilerplate.
Jade is added to save time from typing out redundant markup tags. I've added my own Atomic styling microframework, which is a set of common stylings I use. I encourage you to assemble something similar that reflects your own style and swap it in!
- Jade added as the templating engine
- Underscore.string added to provide some extra string manipulation features
- Added my Atomic styling microframework (built with Sass)
- Integrated Font Custom for generating custom icon fonts.
- Build system (Grunt) customized
- Added some example code
- Distributed as a Yeoman generator
- Swapped out Jam, replaced with Bower
I have been having issues with Bower, RequireJS, and Jade. The main path
as specified by the Bower Jade package's component.json
(which is
deprecated) is vendor/bower/jade/lib/runtime
. However, to use
it as an AMD module, you must instead specify the path as:
// app/config.js
paths: {
// ...
jade: 'vendor/bower/jade/runtime',
// ...
Bane is by Francis Tseng (@frnsys)
Backbone Boilerplate is Copyright (c) 2013 Tim Branyen (@tbranyen)
Licensed under the MIT License