0.0.0 • Published 10 years ago

generator-doc-metrix-doc v0.0.0

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10 years ago

Yeoman Generator

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This module is a Yeoman generator for doc-metrix metric documentation.

Getting Started

To use the generator, ensure that you have installed Yeoman:

$ npm install -g yo

For a general overview of Yeoman generators, see the Getting Started Guide.


$ npm install -g generator-doc-metrix-doc


Once installed, navigate to the directory in which you want to place generated files and run

$ yo doc-metrix-doc

The generator will provide a series of prompts and will use your answers to tailor the documentation files, providing a scaffold upon which you can immediately build.


The prompts are as follows...


Enter the documentation name. The default documentation name is the name of the current working directory. To accept the default, type enter.

Naming convention:

  • The documentation name should be descriptive of the documentation.

For example, documentation for cpu related metrics should be named cpu. Similarly, documentation for memory related metrics should be named memory or shortened to mem. Other examples might include network, sensors-power, sensors-temperature, sensors-{{ classification }}, etc.


You have the option to initialize the documentation directory as a Git repository. The default option is Y. Typing enter or y+enter will confirm initialization and do the following:

$ git init
$ git remote add origin https://github.com/doc-metrix/<repo_name>.git
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "[INIT]"

The initialization process stops short of pushing the commit to the remote repository.

Note: Git initialization assumes you have write access to the doc-metrix organization on Github. If you are not already a member and are interested in contributing, contact one of the owners.


Enter the repository name. The default is the documentation name. Hit enter to accept the default as the repository name.


Enter the primary author's name; i.e., in all likelihood that will be your name.


If you have chosen to initialize the directory as a Git repository, the default will be the email associated with your Github account. This email should be a correspondence address for those individuals wanting to contact you directly with their questions and comments.

If the Github email address is fine, just type enter.


Enter the documentation description.


Once you have answered all prompts, you will have the following scaffold:

	- index.json


These are standard fare. If you notice that files are not tracking in Git , consult .gitignore.


The default license is the MIT license.


The generator creates a scaffold bower.json. You need to manually add keywords. Individuals who want to use the documentation in their libraries can use Bower to manage the documentation as a dependency.

$ bower install <documentation_name> --save

By default, the Bower package name is the documentation name prefixed by doc-metrix-. Hence,


In order to register the documentation with Bower, you must first tag a release.

$ git tag -a <major.minor.patch> -m "[UPDATE] version."
$ git push origin <major.minor.patch>

Use semantic versioning (semvar) for communicating versions.

Once tagged,

$ bower register doc-metrix-<documentation_name> git://github.com/doc-metrix/<documentation_name>


The generator includes a TODO.md file. Use this file for general TODOs which are not tied to any particular file line.

The README.md is a scaffold. You should set the documentation name and add to the documentation description.


Add the metric documentation to doc/index.json.


If you opted to initialize the module as a Git repository, you will need to manually push changes to Github.

$ git push origin master


MIT license.


Copyright © 2014. Nodeprime.