1.0.0-beta.8 • Published 10 years ago

generator-jhipster-ember v1.0.0-beta.8

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Apache 2.0
Last release
10 years ago

#Jhipster Ember Generator

Yeoman generator base on JHipster which describes itself as

"Hipster stack for Java developers. Yeoman + Maven + Spring + AngularJS in one handy generator."

This fork brings the following changes or differences:

  • Gradle instead of Maven as build system
  • EmberJS instead of AngularJS
  • MongoDB as an optional data storage
  • Redis as the only Cache option
  • PostgreSQL as the only SQL storage option
  • Java 8 ready (more like Java 8 only)
  • Security via OAuth2 using Spring Security
  • Stormpath as an optional authorization service
  • Heroku deployment ready
  • Docker ready


Install Yeoman:

> npm install -g yo

Install Ember CLI:

> npm install -g ember-cli

Install Bower:

> npm install -g bower

Install JHipster Ember:

> npm install -g generator-jhipster-ember


  • PostgreSQL or MongoDB (optional if using docker)
  • Java 8
  • Docker (optional)
  • Fig (optional)
  • Direnv (optional but usefull if using Docker)
  • Boot2docker (is using Docker on OS X)

If you want to use Stormpath

  • A free account in Stormpath place the apiKey.properties file in ~/.config/stormpath/


> mkdir my_proyect
> cd my_proyect
> yo jhipster-ember

To run the generated application

Storage service can be started using Docker and Fig

For example:

> fig up -d postgresql

Then start the app:

> ./gradlew bootRun

On a different terminal session run the UI with livereload and all the good stuff (provided by ember-cli)

> ./gradlew emberServer

Yes a full gradle workflow!!

Goto http://localhost:4200/ login with marisssa@koala.test/123Queso@

If you want to run the app fully dockerized just do > fig up


  • Change the name (maybe)


As for this fork only, not the original project

  • Yëco


I like to thank Julien Dubois and all the collaborators of the original JHipster generator.


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


11 years ago


11 years ago