generator-ng-supers v0.0.8
Credit where it is due:
Alot of work has been shamelessly pulled in through John Papa's course of Angular JS Patterns: Clean Code and its corresponding Angular JS Style Guide.
Table of Contents:
- Development Environment Setup
- Setup ng-Super webapp
- File and folder structure
- Sub-Generators
- Styling and Linting
- Grunt Tasks
- Third Parties
Development Environment Setup
- NodeJS
- Yeoman
- Bower
- Ruby
To install yeoman:
$ npm install yo -g
To install Bower
$ npm install bower -g
To install Compass**
$ gem install Compass
** Make sure you have Ruby installed on your machine
Setup ng-Super webapp
To install generator-ng-super:
$ npm install -g generator-ng-super
Finally, initiate the generator:
$ mkdir superApp
$ cd superApp
$ yo ng-super
Install project dependencies:
$ cd superApp
$ npm install
$ bower install
Run $ grunt server
to run the application.
File and folder structure
├── app
│ ├── fonts
│ │ └── Kelvetica Nobis.otf
│ ├── images
│ │ └── welcome
│ │ └── super-logo.jpg
│ ├── index.html
│ ├── src
│ │ ├── app.module.js
│ │ ├── common
│ │ │ └── common.module.js
│ │ ├── core
│ │ │ ├── core.module.js
│ │ │ ├── restangular.config.js
│ │ │ ├── httpStatus.constant.js
│ │ │ └── router.config.js
│ │ └── welcome
│ │ ├── welcome.controller.js
│ │ ├── welcome.html
│ │ └── welcome.module.js
│ └── styles
│ ├── css
│ │ └── main.css
│ ├── main.scss
│ └── partials
│ ├── _skin.scss
│ └── _welcome.scss
├── bower.json
├── configLoader.js
├── gruntfile.js
├── package.json
├── tasks
│ ├── bump.js
│ ├── clean.js
│ ├── compass.js
│ ├── concurrent.js
│ ├── connect.js
│ ├── copy.js
│ ├── html2js.js
│ ├── karma.js
│ ├── ngAnnotate.js
│ ├── replace.js
│ ├── usemin.js
│ ├── useminPrepare.js
│ ├── watch.js
│ └── wiredep.js
└── tests
└── welcome
└── welcome.controller.js
Generates an Angular Controller for the provided Module
yo ng-super:controller dashboard.user
Produces: app/src/dashboard/user.controller.js
* @ngdoc controller
* @name app.dashboard.controller:User
* @description < description placeholder >
'use strict';
.controller('User', User);
/* @ngInject */
function User(){
var vm = this;
vm.testFunction = testFunction;
* @ngdoc method
* @name testFunction
* @param {number} num number is the number of the number
* @methodOf app.dashboard.controller:User
* @description
* My Description rules
function testFunction(num){'This is a test function');
Generates an Angular Directive for the provided Module
yo ng-super:directive common.kuSubmit
Produces: app/src/common/kuSubmit.directive.js
* @ngdoc directive
* @name app.common.directive:kuSubmit
* @scope true
* @param {object} test test object
* @restrict E
* @description < description placeholder >
'use strict';
.directive('kuSubmit', kuSubmit);
/* @ngInject */
function kuSubmit(){
return {
link: link,
restrict: 'E',
template: '<div></div>',
scope: {
test: '='
function link(scope, elem, attrs){'This is a link function of the directive');
Generates an Angular Factory for the provided Module
yo ng-super:factory common.calendar
Produces: app/src/common/calendar.factory.js
* @ngdoc service
* @name app.common.calendar
* @description < description placeholder >
'use strict';
.factory('calendar', calendar);
/* @ngInject */
function calendar(){
return {
testFunction: testFunction
* @ngdoc
* @name app.common.calendar#testFunction
* @methodOf app.common.calendar
* @description < description placeholder >
* @example
* <pre>
* calendar.testFunction(id);
* </pre>
* @param {int} entity id
function testFunction(id){'This is a test function');
Generates an Angular Constant for the provided Module
yo ng-super:constant common.errorMessages
Produces: app/src/common/errorMessages.constant.js
* @ngdoc object
* @name app.common.constant:errorMessages
* @description < description placeholder >
* @example
angular.module("someModule", [])
function configuration(errorMessages, someProvider){
//use the injected constant
'use strict';
var errorMessages = {
someConstant: 'hasSomeValue'
.constant('errorMessages', errorMessages);
Generates an Angular Value for the provided Module
yo ng-super:value core.appId
Produces: app/src/core/appId.value.js
* @ngdoc object
* @name app.core.constant:appId
* @description < description placeholder >
* @example
angular.module("someModule", [])
.controller("some", controller);
function controller(appId, someService){
var vm = this;
//use the injected constant
'use strict';
var appId = {
someValue: 'obviouslyHasSomeValue'
.value('appId', appId);
Generates an Angular Filter for the provided Module
yo ng-super:filter common.currency
Produces: app/src/common/currency.filter.js
* @ngdoc filter
* @name app.common.filer:currency
* @description < description placeholder >
* @param {object} input object to be filtered
* @returns {object} < returns placeholder >
'use strict';
.filter('currency', currency);
/* @ngInject */
function currency(){
return function (input){
return 'currency filter: ' + input;
Generates an Angular Module
yo ng-super:feature talks
Produces: app/src/talks/talks.module.js
* @ngdoc overview
* @name app.talks
* @description < description placeholder >
'use strict';
.module('app.talks', [])
/* @ngInject */
function configuration($stateProvider){
//add your state mappings here
// .state('Welcome', {
// url:'/welcome',
// templateUrl:'src/welcome/welcome.html',
// controller: 'WelcomeCtrl as vm'
// }
Generates an HTML view
yo ng-super:view dashboard.performance
Produces: app/src/dashboard/performance.html
<div> this a a sample view for dashboard.performance </div>
Styling and Linting
Generated app would contain jshint and jscs configurations. Make sure your editor is configured to take advantage of both styling and linting.
Grunt Tasks
$ grunt server
Pops up a development environment with HTML, CSS and JS Livereload
$ grunt test
Runs all unit tests on Karma
$ grunt build
Creates a dist
containing a distribute-able Angular App
$ grunt bump
Bump application version and goodies, details at grunt-bump
$ grunt ngdocs
Generates documentation from the ngdoc declared in the Angular source code
Third Parties
Following packages are pre-configured:
Why generator-ng-super?
generator-ng-super is a heavily opinionated project that has been initiated to contain mix of best practices learned through courses and expirience.
It also contains a mix of packages which are best in the business pre-configured into the application structure like Angular UI's Twitter Bootstrap Directives, Angular UI's UI-Router (replacing ngRoute) and Martin Gonto's Restangular (replacing $http and $resource).
The main purpose of generator-ng-super was to encapsulate the best from the industry experts and make it ready for use.
Why the chosen directory structure and code pattern?
The directory structure has been chosen to ease readability and search for code while keeping the directory structure flat. It corresponds to John Papa's LIFT principle of code organization.
- L - Locate your code easily
- I - Identify code at a glance
- F - Flat structure as long as we can
- T - Try to stay DRY
What am I getting out of the box?
generator-ng-super will provide a complete running Angular JS application with all the goodies like sample code, tests and packages setup in a few mins. Each sub-generator for the components provides sample code enabling the developer to get straight down to business of writing code, all the other setup configuration and code is taken care of by the generator.
Why Angular UI Router instead of ngRoute?
UI-Router contains all the missing features from the ngRouter. Visit Angular UI Router for further insight.
Why Restangular instead of $http or $resource?
Restangular provides tons of goodies through which you can setup your HTTP requests in a very intuitive way. Visit Restangular for further insight.
10 years ago