1.0.0-beta.1 • Published 7 years ago

generator-ng1-template v1.0.0-beta.1

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7 years ago

Angular 1.x Template generator

Yeoman (Yo) generator for Angular 1.x Template - lets you quickly set up a project and project items with sensible defaults and best practices.


# Install Yeoman globally, if not already done
npm install -g yo

# Install the Angular 1.x Template generator globally
npm install -g generator-ng1-template

The following subsections shows you how to generate a new project and project items. In all cases, Yeoman will take you through a series of questions to customize the generated output. Most of the questions have default answers, so you can just accept them if they suit your needs.

To create a new Angular 1.x Template project

yo ng1-template

TBD: Walkthrough of this generator

To create a new project items

# Create a new page
yo ng1-template:page

# Create a new layout
yo ng1-template:layout

# Create a new component
yo ng1-template:component

# Create a new service
yo ng1-template:service

# Create a new state service
yo ng1-template:state

# Create a new directive
yo ng1-template:directive