0.2.0 • Published 9 years ago
generator-ng2-component v0.2.0

Angular2 Component Generator with variety of options
Beta version
Current options:
- Name of a new component
- Destination for the new component
- Inline or separate template & styles. For separate
- Sass, Less or CSS file
- Include via templateUrl & styleUrls OR require('...')
- Choose whether to generate Unit tests & E2E tests
- Choose whether to include Forms, Routes, ...
- Global configuration
First, install Yeoman and generator-ng2-component using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-ng2-component
Then generate your new Angular2 component:
yo ng2-component
Getting To Know Yeoman
- Yeoman has a heart of gold.
- Yeoman is a person with feelings and opinions, but is very easy to work with.
- Yeoman can be too opinionated at times but is easily convinced not to be.
- Feel free to learn more about Yeoman.
MIT © Samuel Kollat