0.6.2 • Published 7 years ago
generator-ngtimo v0.6.2
yitimo's yeoman angular(^4) generator
First, install Yeoman and generator-ngtimo using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-ngtimo
构建应用 (Generate a full application)
Then generate your new project:
yo ngtimo
构建模块 (Generate just a full module)
You can also generate an angular module, it will only generate a basic module for you:
yo ngtimo:module
yo ngtimo:module --route
// enter name
// enter base path
// enter page1,page2,page3
// done!
yo ngtimo:module
// enter name
// enter base path
// enter anything(will not use)
// done!
- --route 是否包含路由(并不是生成一个路由模块,而是生成一个包含子路由页面的完整模块)
- 模块名 (生成的模块名,目前会直接拿来当作类的命名, 所以使用特殊符号时需要在生成后做相应更改, 以后会改善)
- 基地址 (模块会在哪个目录下生成, 默认为当前目录(.))
- 包含的子页面(当添加--route参数时有效,值为页面(即组件)名以 "," 拼接)
You can also generate a component, include inline-style or with html file or generate with a service (personally I'd like to give each page component a service, while for common shared component just use inline-component)
构建组件 (Generate just a component)
yo ngtimo:component
More ability is coming...
MIT © yitimo