2.2.1 • Published 2 years ago
generator-nodecg v2.2.1
Yeoman generator for NodeCG bundles
generator-nodecg can be used to quickly start a new bundle with the barebones boilerplate files that every bundle needs. It can also be used to add a new panel, graphic, or extension in an existing bundle.
First, install Yeoman and generator-nodecg using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g yo@latest
npm install -g generator-nodecg@latest
Then generate your new bundle:
# Run this command inside the directory of your bundle.
# For example, nodecg/bundles/my-bundle.
yo nodecg
generator-nodecg also has specific sub-generators that can be used on existing bundles:
yo nodecg:panel
yo nodecg:graphic
yo nodecg:extension
Special Thanks
Significant portions of this generator are based on generator-node. We thank the developers of generator-node and Yeoman for their years of hard work.
MIT © Alex Van Camp