0.1.0 • Published 11 years ago
generator-nwfbapp v0.1.0
NuWorks Facebook App Generator
Credits to Tiago Vasconcelos
A generator for Yeoman, this generator create a codeigniter (php framework) structure.
Getting started
- Make sure you have yo installed:
npm install -g yo
- Install the generator:
npm install -g generator-nwfbapp
- Run:
yo nwfbapp
This generator will create a CodeIgniter (Version 2.1.4) structure, with some changes:
- Added facebook configuration
When you run the generator, you have to answer some questions:
- Project Name (default: Project Name)
- Prject URL (default: http://localhost/)
- Database hostname (default:
- Database username (default: root)
- Database password (default: root)
- Database name (default: database_name)
- Timezone (default: America/Sao_Paulo)
These settings are in the file CONFIG.ini, located in the project root, you can change it at any time.
Obs.: You will see that CONFIG.ini have the template path, you can changed if you need.
Memory Cache
Last but not least
To avoid reading CONFIG.ini to each request, if you have memcache installed on the server and enabled in PHP will be used to cache the project settings, to remove this cache access memcache via terminal and delete the key entered during installation, or change the key ($ memcache_key) within the index.php file.
Obs.: The cache is set to expire in 15 days.
11 years ago