1.0.3 • Published 5 years ago

generator-oxy-gen v1.0.3

Weekly downloads
Last release
5 years ago


OXY-GEN is an open-source cli tool that helps developers quickly create native desktop apps using React and Rust!

Here is a demo project generated with this generator.


Get Started!

Install CRA (>= v2.1.0)

npm install -g create-react-app

Rust Toolchain

Install Rustup

curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env

Select Nightly Version (for WASM support)

rustup default nightly

Install WASM bindgen and add target

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo install wasm-bindgen-cli

Install Yeoman

npm install -g yo

Install this Generator

npm install -g generator-oxy-gen


yo oxy-gen


Run the command with --force to overwrite the appropriate files during generation. Otherwise, the user will need to approve each file (Theres's only about 5 or so).

yo oxy-gen --force

And if you prefer yarn to npm, you can use the --yarn flag to set your default package manager.

yo oxy-gen --yarn