generator-react-crm v1.0.2
A skeleton react webresource for Dynamics 365 crm in typescript
Develop a crm ready webresource in react with typescript.
- hot reloading
- the crm odata enpoint exposed to your localhost while developing
A dyn365 instance is enough.
However, the developer experience is best if the dyn365-deploy-cli is used
Stand inside your project root:
npm install -g yo generator-react-crm
give your web resource a name and a namespace. Give the crm-proxy a unused port
If you have a project.json and/or a tsconfig.json in your project root those files will be edited. Nothing will be overwritten but some configurations till be added. You´ll be prompted if there is a conflict
if the dyn365-deploy-cli is used, start the dev server:
npm run start-your-name
This will start webpack-dev-server with the newly created webpack config with the same name as your resource in the project root
It will also start the crm-proxy with the credentials configuration from the dyn365-deploy-cli
A small example is provided on how you can query the crm odata endpoint from your localhost
when the time comes to upload you webresource to crm, run:
npm run deploy-your-name
this will transpile the "project" with the build configuration and upload all files to crm. Now it´s ready to be iframed onto a form. No calls to the crm-proxy will occur. All calls will be to the actual odata endpoint