1.0.1 • Published 9 years ago

generator-symfony-alchemy v1.0.1

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9 years ago

Symfony Alchemy

Gulp recipes for asset management in Symfony applications.


Symfony Alchemy comes in the form of a Yeoman generator. If all the dependencies are installed you can get up and running with some sleek asset management with one simple command.

Check the documentation below for more information.


  • Concatenates JS and CSS
  • Minifies JS and CSS
  • Optimizes images
  • Bower compatible
  • Watches files and live reloads via BrowserSync


First install all the dependencies:

  • Install Node: https://nodejs.org/
  • Install Gulp: npm install -g gulp
  • Install Yeoman: npm install -g yeoman
  • Install Symfony Alchemy: npm install -g generator-symfony-alchemy

Now that all the dependencies are in place you can install Symfony Alchemy. Ensure that you are in the root of your Symfony2 application and run the following command:

yo symfony-alchemy


To watch for file changes simply run gulp watch.

The following commands are also available:

gulp js
gulp css
gulp fonts
gulp images
gulp clean
gulp build

The difference between build and the default task is that the build task will minify all assets.


In this file you can specify all the main CSS and JS files you require. You can also specify all the files that should be included in the making of that file. The structure is as follows:

  "css": {
    "main.css": [
  "js": {
    "main.js": [
  "replace": {
    "images/": "img/"

See the included assets.json file for more information.


Some libraries installed via bower might be looking for files in directories different from Symfony Alchemy's output directory. The replace section allows you to define simple search and replace strings to try and resolve this during the build. The format is as follows:

<search string>: <replace string>


1.0.0 (2015-07-14)

Initial Commit
