0.2.6 • Published 8 years ago
geo-tiles v0.2.6
Zoomable Geo Tiles
This is based on Mike Bostock's geo tile plugin, and provides some additional features like spiral tiles ordering and tile coord conversion functions.
A D3 layout for determining which 256x256 quadtree tiles to display in a rectangular viewport, based on a scale and translate. This layout can be used to create a simple slippy map, or render standard map tiles (e.g., MapBox, CloudMade) as a base layer behind a geographic projection.
Example usage
var tiler = geoTiles()
.size([200, 200])
.translate([0, 0]);
var tiles = tiler();
[ 255, 255, 9 ],
[ 256, 255, 9 ],
[ 257, 255, 9 ],
[ 255, 256, 9 ],
[ 256, 256, 9 ],
[ 257, 256, 9 ],
[ 255, 257, 9 ],
[ 256, 257, 9 ],
[ 257, 257, 9 ]