0.2.0 • Published 2 months ago

geoditor v0.2.0

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2 months ago


Map GeoJSON geometry editor.

Supported features:

  • LineString
  • Polygon
  • MultiLineString
  • MultiPolygon
  • GeometryCollection coming soon.


npm install geoditor
yarn add geoditor


Geoditor is initialising with 2 types of modules. 1. Controller (required) to render features onto map. Provides API between Geoditor core and map implementation. Currently only MapBox is supported. 2. Tools (optional) to edit data. If no tools is passed, default set will be used.

import { Geoditor, PenTool, MoveTool } from "geoditor";

const geoditor = new Geoditor({
  controller: {...}, 
  tools: {
    pen: new PenTool(),
    move: new MoveTool(),

Any tool can be reused under different names with different settings (if supported). For example, multiple instances of Pen tool to create only lineal or polygonal geometries tools:

tools: {
  line: new PenTool({ drawTypes: ["LineString", "MultiLineString"]}),
  polygon: new PenTool({ drawTypes: ["Polygon", "MultiPolygon"] }),

Using with MapBox

import { Geoditor, MapboxController, PenTool, MoveTool } from "geoditor";
import { MapBox } from "mapbox-gl";

const mapbox = new MapBox({
  /* Your config */

const geoditor = new Geoditor({
  controller: new MapboxController(mapbox),

Getters & Setters


You can access or set data at any given moment. LineString, Polygon, MultiLineString, and MultiPolygon are supported. Rest won't be deleted or changed in any way but will be ignored in render.

// Get features
const features = geoditor.data; 

// Set features
geoditor.data = [
    type: "Feature",
    geometry: {
      type: "LineString",
      coordinates: [[35.00, 50.00], [35.00, 51.00]],


Access or set selected features indices.

// Get selection
const selected: number[] = geoditor.selected; 

// Set single/multiple selection 
geoditor.selected = [0];
geoditor.selected = [0, 1, 2];

// Remove selection
geoditor.selected = [];



Fires when Controller is initialized and ready. You can start working with Geoditor.

geoditor.on("load", () => {
  /** EXAMPLE: 
      Starts pen tool. Feature properties can be passed as argument. */
  geoditor.tools.pen({ color: "red" });


Fires on data update. Array of GeoJSON features is passed into listener. If you passed some data to Geoditor before it will only change features geometry and properties passed to Pen tool.

geoditor.on("change", (data: GeoJSON.Feature[]) => {
  // data === geoditor.data
  console.log(data, geoditor.data);
  /** EXAMPLE:
      Switch to "move" tool after drawing */
  geoditor.tool === "pen" && geoditor.tools.move();


Fires on selected features change. Array of selected indices is passed into listener.

geoditor.on("select", (selected: number[]) => {
  // selected === geoditor.selected
  console.log(selected, geoditor.selected);


Pen Tool

Different tools can be initialised with PenTool using different options:

drawTypeTypes of created featuresLineString | Polygon | MultiLineString | MultiPolygon | Array<"LineString" \| "Polygon" \| "MultiLineString" \| "MultiPolygon">["LineString", "Polygon", "MultiLineString", "MultiPolygon"]
appendAbility to extend line geometry and convert single geometry to multi if corresponding draw types are provided.boolean | shiftKey | altKey | ctrlKey | metaKeytrue
subtractAbility to subtract shapes from polygonal features.boolean | shiftKey | altKey | ctrlKey | metaKeytrue
createAbility to add new features.boolean | shiftKey | altKey | ctrlKey | metaKeytrue


const PolygonTool = new PenTool({
  drawTypes: ["Polygon", "MultiPolygon"],
  append: "shiftKey",
  subtract: "altKey",

const AppendTool = new PenTool({
  create: false,
  subtract: false,

2 months ago


3 months ago