0.1.4 • Published 7 years ago
geojson-test v0.1.4
.areaDifference(input1, input2)
Takes two objects of type Feature|FeatureCollection, calculates each area and returns their absolute difference
var area1 = turfHelpers.polygon([[
var area2 = turfHelpers.polygon([[
var diff = areaDifference(area1, area2);
// returns <Number>
Takes a reference object to compare the area difference between the reference and the response.body of a HTTP request, passed via callback, to an epsilon and returns a promise with assert
- object of type Feature|FeatureCollection
var reference = turfHelpers.polygon([[
var compare = turfHelpers.polygon([[
var options = {
epsilon: 170000
return areaEpsilon(reference, compare, options);