geojson-to-mongo v0.0.4
A simple CLI tool that takes in a geoJSON feature collection and adds the features as documents to a mongo collection. Built using streams so it can handle HUGE files (think CENSUS BLOCKS for all of USA!).
Also creates a 2dsphere
index on the geometry
field of the geoJSON documents so you are ready for geospatial queries when it's done.
Getting sick of moving CENSUS shapefiles to MongoDB and wanting to build a CLI tool to do that for me. Shapefile input and simplification coming...
Quick Start
npm install geojson-to-mongo
Input geoJSON file should contain features
with array of valid geoJSON objects (this conforms to geoJSON feature collection).
features: [
{geoJSON object1},
{geoJSON object2},
Execute the script:
The following will connect to the tracts
db on the mongo instance at localhost:27017
and add documents found at ./polygons.geojson
./node_modules/.bin/geojson-to-mongo --input ./polygons.geojson --uri mongodb://localhost:27017/tracts --collection polygons
CLI Flags
See all of the CLI options.
./node_modules/.bin/geojson-to-mongo --help
--input [path] Required. Path to input geoJSON file
--uri [uri] Optional. Default "mongodb://localhost:27017/test"
--collection [name] Required. Collection to write to
--drop-collection Optional. Default false. Drop the collection before insertions
Mongoose Example
This example schema and schema method will work the tracts
var mongoose = require("mongoose");
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var geoJSONSchema = new Schema({
geometry: {
type: {type: String},
coordinates: []
}, {
collection: "tracts"
// Search for document intersecting lat/lng and return ONE.
// options.lng
geoJSONSchema.statics.findByLatLng = function (options, callback) {
var lat =;
var lng = options.lng;
var query = {
"geometry": {
"$geoIntersects": {
"$geometry": {
type: "Point",
coordinates: [options.lng,]
this.findOne(query, callback);
module.exports = mongoose.model("tracts", geoJSONSchema);