1.2.0 • Published 10 years ago
geotype v1.2.0
geotype is a cli tool for rendering geojson as ascii in your terminal.
colors no colors
npm install geotype -g
geotype world.geojson
cat world.geojson | geotype
npm install geotype
var geotype = require('geotype')
var fs = require('fs')
var world = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./world.geojson'))
var ascii = geotype(world)
console.log(geotype(world, {tile: '4/4/4', zoom: 9}))
-z --zoom : specify fixed tile pixel zoom level
-b --bbox=minX,minY,maxX,maxY : set frame to a bbox
-t --tile : set frame to a tile [x/y/z]
-m --mod : overzoom factor
-f --frame : number of tile pixels to pad sides of frame
--nocolor : display plain ascii w/o colors
-p --png : output to png instead of ascii
-r --res [256]: image resolution
-h --help : show docs
npm t
cd ./test
sh test.sh