1.0.9 • Published 5 months ago
get-content-length v1.0.9
Get Content-Length from the input.
$ npm install get-content-length --save
The default method automagically detects the input:
const contentLength = require('get-content-length')
await contentLength('https://microlink.io/favicon.ico') // => 34494
It handles HTTP errors, such 404:
await contentLength('https://httpbin.org/status/404') // => 0
It accepts got#options as second argument:
await contentLength('https://microlink.io/favicon.ico', { timeout: 8000 }) // => 34494
Alternatively, you can explicitly call the desired method:
const { fromUrl } = require('get-content-length')
await fromUrl('https://microlink.io/favicon.ico') // => 34494
const { fromDataUri } = require('get-content-length')
await contentLength.fromDataUri('…') // => 34494
const { fromResponse } = require('get-content-length')
const reachableUrl = require('reachable-url')
const response = await reachableUrl('https://mirrors.dotsrc.org/blender/blender-demo/movies/ToS/tearsofsteel_4k.mov')
await fromResponse(response) // => 6737592810
- reachable-url — It resolves the URL as fast as possible, without downloading the body.
- html-get — Get the HTML from any website, using prerendering when is necessary.
get-content-length © Kiko Beats, released under the MIT License. Authored and maintained by Kiko Beats with help from contributors.
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