2.0.1 • Published 5 years ago
get_in_ppx v2.0.1
get_in ppx
An exploration of the "safe call operators" pull-request, implemented as a ppx.
npm i get_in_ppx
"ppx-flags": ["get_in_ppx/ppx"]
This ppx includes two operators, that are valid within the [%get_in ]
is to be used when both sides are optional. E.g. the object on the left is optional, and the attribute you're getting out is also optional. e.g.option({. "attr": option(int)})
is to be used when only the object is optional, but the attribute you're getting out is not. e.g.option({. "attr": int})
/* some data with optional attributes in javascript objects (e.g. from graphql) */
let one = Some({"two": Some({"three": 4})});
let x: option(int) = [%get_in one#??two#?three];