2.1.1 • Published 4 months ago
ggip v2.1.1
Greip CLI
The official command-line interface (CLI) for Greip.
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npm i --global ggip
yarn global add ggip
$ ggip help
Usage: ggip [options] [command]
Greip CLI is a command-line interface for the Greip.io
-h, --help Display help for command
-v, --version Display the current version
login <token> Login to the CLI
logout Logout from the CLI
me [options] Display your IP address and location information
lookup [options] <ip> Lookup a given IP address and display its location information
country [options] <country> Display information about a given country
asn [options] <asn> Display information about a given ASN
bin [options] <bin> Lookup a given Bank Identification Number (BIN) and display its information
iban [options] <iban> Validate a given International Bank Account Number (IBAN)
email [options] <email> Validate a given email address
phone [options] <phone> <country> Validate a given phone number
profanity [options] <text> Check a given text for profanity
help [command] display help for command
After installing the CLI, you need to set your API token in order to use it's funcitonalities. This step can be done just by running the login
command as follows:
ggip login your-api-key
Note You can obtain an API token just by creating an account at Greip.io.
1. Available commands
To get a list of all available commands of the CLI just use the help
command as follows:
ggip help
This will provide you a list of commands and options.
2. Available options & examples
To list the availabe options and examples for a specific command, just try the help help command with the command want as follows:
ggip help lookup
This will provide you a list of available optioins with some usage examples for the lookup