0.0.5 • Published 10 years ago

gherkin-mocha v0.0.5

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10 years ago

Gherkin Mocha

Combining both Gherkin and Mocha, as a phantomjs or node runner.


This module implements a basic parser on top of cucumber/gherkin JS implementation, to match Gherkin keywords and structure into Mocha Suite and Test.

It can be seen as some sort of special Mocha UI, using both .feature files to express the specs, and steps files to define how the tests are implemented.

Borrows a lot to Cucumber, without being a strict and valid Cucumber implementation.

TODO: Background, table and examples.



Using phantomjs environment, steps written using PhantomJS API.

# For phantomjs
phantomjs bin/gherkin-mocha-phantom --stepdir test/phantom-steps test/features/browse.feature

Using PhantomJS in Webdriver mode

Using nodejs environment, steps written in node using Webdriver API.

phantomjs --webdriver=9134

# in another shell
./bin/gherkin-mocha --stepdir test/node-steps test/features/browse.feature


A basic example.

Feature: Node Runner

  Willing to quickly assert nodejs / phantom runner

  Scenario: Searching gherkin
    Given I browse URL "http://google.com"
    Then I fill "gherkin" in "q"
    And I submit the form "[action='/search']"
    And I want to render the page at "debug.png"

Please note that only Feature, Scenarios, Given, When, Then and the And keywords are supported, and only basic support.

Further work is needed to bridge stuff like Background, Example tables, Step tables etc. to Mocha land.


Steps are written in node or phantom, using three global function helpers: Given, When, Then.

They're just semantic sugar, they're handled exactly the same by the framework.

The --stepdir option is used to tell the system where to load them (not recursively, but you can require from there)

// Node
Given(/I browse URL "([^"]+)"/, function(url, done) {
  var wd = require('wd');

  if (!this.driver) this.driver = wd.remote(webdriverHost, webdriver);

  var driver = this.driver;
  driver.init(function(err) {
    if (err) return done(err);
    // driver#get should errback on invalid URL
    driver.get(url, done);

// Phantom
Given(/I browse URL "([^"]+)"/, function(url, done) {
  var page = this.page = require('webpage').create();
  page.open(url, function(status) {
    if (status !== 'success') return done(new Error('Error opening URL ' + url + '. Status: ' + status));

10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago