ghostwriter-service v1.0.45
Ghostwriter prerenders your JavaScript website for search engines, SEO tools, social media crawler and your browser.
Module | Downloads | Version | License |
ghostwriter-middleware | |||
ghostwriter-apptool | |||
ghostwriter-html-webpack-plugin | |||
ghostwriter-service | |||
ghostwriter-common |
Ghostwriter is a replacement for the service. In contrast to, it does not limit serving of prerendered pages to a particular set of spiders. Quite the contrary, it serves prerendered pages to all crawlers and browsers. Therefore Ghostwriter should NOT be vulnerable to accidental cloaking.
This approach results in one simple requirement for your web application: it should not be scared about prerendered content in the DOM, e.g. it should be able to discard and re-render, or it should be able to reconcile the content. Usually, this is not an issue if your web application is structured correctly. Also, we added a safeguard to control link
, script
and style
tags which get added to the DOM by external libraries. You can read about it in the section "Handling of script, link and style tags" below.
Here you will find a complete example web application based on React:
Ghostwriter Service
The Ghostwriter service is provided as Docker image and as NPM package. Just pick whatever flavor you like best.
NPM package
Install the ghostwriter-service
module via:
$ npm install ghostwriter-service --save
# ... or ...
$ yarn add ghostwriter-service
The module provides the service binary ghostwriter-service
, which requires the following parameters:
Parameter | Description | Example |
--port | Port to listen on | 8887 |
--database-uri | URL to a MongoDB database | mongodb://database:27017/ghostwriter |
--keep-database | Keep current database |
Be aware: If you do not pass the --keep-database
parameter to the Ghostwriter service, it will drop and recreate the provided MongoDB database.
We recommend to add the service to your package.json
"scripts": {
"ghostwriter-service --port 8887 --database-uri mongodb://database:27017/ghostwriter",
The previous entry enables you to run the service via npm
$ npm run ghostwriter-service
Docker image
Pull the latest ghostwriter-service
image via:
$ docker pull
The Docker image requires the environment variable DATABASE_URI
pointing to a MongoDB database and creates a service listening on port 8888
Run your Ghostwriter service with the following command:
$ docker run \
-d \
--name myghostwriter \
-p \
--env DATABASE_URI=mongodb://database:27017/ghostwriter \
Be aware: The Ghostwriter service provided as Docker container will drop and recreate the provided MongoDB database. Currently, there is no environment variable available to change the behavior.
See the Docker manual for more.
Application Backend
Ghostwriter hooks into your express
application with the help of middleware. Install the ghostwriter-middleware
module via:
$ npm install ghostwriter-middleware --save
# ... or ...
$ yarn add ghostwriter-middleware
The following example shows how to enable the middleware in your application:
// e.g. use app name as 'token' (see config below)
const appName = require('./package.json').name;
// e.g. use git commit id as 'version'
import childProcess from 'child_process';
const gitCommitId =
childProcess.execSync('git rev-parse HEAD').toString().trim();
// e.g. do not pre-render calls to /api*, used as 'urlTest'
const urlTest =
(url) => !url.startsWith('/api');
// setup ghostwriter middleware for express
import ghostwriter from 'ghostwriter-middleware';
token: appName,
version: gitCommitId,
sitemaps: [ '/sitemap.xml' ],
urlTest: urlTest,
gwUrl: 'http://localhost:8887',
appUrl: 'http://localhost:8888',
The middleware accepts the following parameters:
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
token | Unique name of your application instance, e.g. the name from your package.json | none (required) |
version | A version string to identify the current version of your application, e.g. the git commit id | none (required) |
refreshCycle | The number of hours before a rendered page needs to be refreshed | 1.0 |
sandbox.viewportWidth | The width of the rendering viewport in pixels | 1280 |
sandbox.viewportHeight | The height of the rendering viewport in pixels | 800 |
sandbox.completionTimeout | The number of seconds to wait before rendering fails | 30.0 |
sitemaps | An array of sitemap paths used to actively crawl the application | [ '/sitemap.xml' ] |
gwUrl | URL pointing to Ghostwriter (can be on the local network) | none (required) |
appUrl | URL pointing to your application (can be on the local network) | 'http://localhost' |
retriesOnError | Number of retries if Ghostwriter fails | 3 |
Application Frontend
Your frontend application is required to confirm the successful completion of the rendering process. This is accomplished by defining so-called 'sections' with the help of the ghostwriter-apptools
module. Install the ghostwriter-apptools
module via:
$ npm install ghostwriter-apptools --save
# ... or ...
$ yarn add ghostwriter-apptools
Define the 'sections' as soon as possible in your entry point. The sections need to be defined via the setup
function before they can be confirmed and there has to be only one call to the setup
function. The setup
function accepts an arbitrary number of 'section' names, e.g.:
// define sections which require render confirmation at the very first
import * as ghostwriter from 'ghostwriter-apptool';
ghostwriter.setup('newsticker', 'page');
Confirm the rendering of the 'sections' in your components with the done
function as soon as the DOM represents the expected rendering result. Think about it twice and read the documentation of your rendering library carefully. The done
function expects a valid 'section' name as a single parameter.
Below you will find two React-based examples.
import * as ghostwriter from 'ghostwriter-apptool';
// a 'page' which does not load additional data
export default class SomePage extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
render() {
return (<div className="some-page">...</div>);
// a 'page' which does load additional data (confirm after rendering of data)
export default class AnotherPage extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
loadPageData((data) => {
this.setState({ data }, () => {
render() {
return (<div className="another-page">...</div>);
Handling of script, link and style tags
All instances of the tags <script type="text/javascript">
, <link rel="stylesheet">
and <style type="text/css">
will be filtered by Ghostwriter if not marked with the attribute data-ghostwriter-keep
. This behavior might be surprising on the first sight but is well-thought. A lot of external libraries clutter the DOM with these tags without proper checks for duplicates. Therefore if not controlled, libraries start to add these tags twice and might trigger undefined behavior. Just add data-ghostwriter-keep
to your tags you want to be part of the pre-rendered result, and you are ready to go.
To make things easier, we created the module ghostwriter-html-webpack-plugin as a drop-in replacement for the html-webpack-plugin. The ghostwriter-html-webpack-plugin
imports and extends the html-webpack-plugin
internally. You can use ghostwriter-html-webpack-plugin
exactly like you would use html-webpack-plugin
. The only difference in behavior is that ghostwriter-html-webpack-plugin
adds the attribute data-ghostwriter-keep
to the previously mentioned tags.
Below you will find a simple example setup:
// ghostwriter-html-webpack-plugin is a drop-in
// replacement for html-webpack-plugin
var HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('ghostwriter-html-webpack-plugin');
var webpackConfig = {
entry: 'index.js',
output: {
path: 'dist',
filename: 'index_bundle.js'
plugins: [new HtmlWebpackPlugin()]
This will generate a file dist/index.html
containing the following:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Webpack App</title>
<script src="index_bundle.js" data-ghostwriter-keep></script>
For further information, please see the documentation of the html-webpack-plugin.
Advanced: rendering targets
Ghostwriter identifies a limited set of rendering targets to support fine-tuning of the pre-rendered result. This capability might be useful e.g. to iron-out specific incompatibilities between social networks and their required metadata. Please use this feature with care and do not use it for cloaking purposes.
Currently, Ghostwriter identifies the following rendering targets:
Identifier | Target |
facebook | Facebook crawler |
twitter | Twitter crawler |
pinterest | Pinterest crawler |
standard | All other, e.g. regular browser, Google, ... |
You can retrieve the current rendering target via the target
function of the ghostwriter-apptool
module. Example:
import * as ghostwriter from 'ghostwriter-apptool';
import React from 'react';
import DocumentMeta from 'react-document-meta';
<div className="some-page">
meta={{ property:
'article:author': != 'pinterest'
? ''
: 'Niklas Salmoukas'
Advanced: add style hints
Ghostwriter uses PhantomJS internally to perform the pre-rendering of the pages. There are some edge cases which are not perfectly supported by PhantomJS. Most of these issues are ironed-out by Ghostwriter internally. Still, there is one issue left which might need your intervention.
In case you care about perfect pre-rendered pages, and you use modern style
attributes in the DOM, which are not supported by PhantomJS, you need to add these styles to the data-ghostwriter-style
attribute. Setting this attribute will ensure, the unsupported styles are still included in the pre-rendered page correctly.
Example: PhantomJS does not support the style object-fit
. Therefore <img src="..." style="border: 0; object-fit: cover;">
would result in <img src="..." style="border: 0;">
. If you render <img src="..." style="border: 0; object-fit: cover;" data-ghostwriter-style="object-fit: cover;">
instead, it will get translated to the expected <img src="..." style="border: 0; object-fit: cover;">
in the pre-rendered code.
Just to be clear: In case you do not use these modern styles in the DOM or in case you do not care if the pre-rendered matches your dynamic application to the point, just leave it out.
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