gibson-client v1.0.5
node.js Gibson client
A pure-JavaScript Gibson client library for node.
Create a Client object to start working. Host and port can be passed to the constructor with a connection string, both for tcp and unix sockets.
var gibson = require('./gibson');
var unix_client = new gibson.Client('unix:///var/run/gibson.sock');
var tcp_client = new gibson.Client('tcp://');
The Client object constructor has three more optional parameters, a connection timeout ( default to infinite ), a boolean flag which specifies if the tcp no delay flag should be used on the socket ( default to true ), and a string with a custom encoding to be used while decoding data ( default to utf8 ), so the following line:
var client = new gibson.Client( 'tcp://', 100, true, 'ascii' );
Will create a client instance bound to a tcp socket, with a 100ms timeout, the tcp no delay flag set and that will use plain ascii encoding on incoming data.
The Client object emits 4 important events - connect, close, timeout and error.
client.on('connect', function(){
// no arguments - we've connected
client.on('close', function(){
// no arguments - connection has been closed
client.on('timeout', function(){
// no arguments - socket timed out
client.on('error', function(e){
// there was an error - exception is 1st argument
// connect to the Gibson server after subscribing to some or all of these events
After connecting, you can start to make requests.
client.get('key', function(error, result){
// all of the callbacks have two arguments, the first one will be
// null if no error occurred, the second one will contain the decoded
// data ( if any ) received from the server.
client.set( 3600, 'key', 'value', function(error, result){
// create ( or replace ) a value with a TTL of 3600 seconds.
// set the TTL to zero and the value will never expire.
}, lifetime);
client.del('key', function(error, result){
// delete a key from cache.
client.stats(function(error, result)){
// grab the server statistics
Every available command is automatically mapped to a client method, so follow the official reference of Gibson commands.
Once you're done, close the connection.
Released under the BSD license.
Copyright © 2013, Simone Margaritelli
All rights reserved.