1.0.0 • Published 2 years ago
gif-canvas-renderer v1.0.0
A simple GIF renderer on canvas
We needed an efficient GIF renderer on canvas for our live classroom at Vedantu There are some libraries like libgif but it has many memory leaks and we found it very inefficient.
we came across an amazing GIF Parser by Matt Way gifuct-js
It is amazingly efficient and parses the next frame based on what is changed from previous one hence less pixel change on canvas at run time.
This library uses gifuct-js internally to parse the gif and hence render the gif on canvas
npm install gif-canvas-renderer
<canvas id="canvas-element"></canvas>
import GIFRenderer from gif-canvas-renderer
const gifObject = new GIFRenderer({
gifSource: gifURL,
canvasElement: document.getElementById('canvas-element'),
renderGif: true,
onFrameChange: (imageData) => {
// find canvas element
const canvasElm = document.getElementById('canvas-element')
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// render the imagedata on canvas
ctx.putImageData(imageData.data, 20, 20);
//call load() to start parsing
console.log('do something')
Constructor properties
Option | Description |
gifSource | url of the gif file |
onFrameChange | function is called on every frame change with ImageData structure of ImageData is {currentIndex: current_frame_index, data: ImageData, totalFrames: total_frames_in_the_gif } |
canvasElement | canvas html element |
renderGif | true if gif is needed to be rendered on canvas |
handleOnCompleteLoop | function gets called once loop is completed , parameters are iterationCount = current_Count_loop, length = total_frames |
delay | delay between two frames to render |
Utility methods
Methods | Description |
stopParsingGIF | stop parsing gif |
getLength | total frame length of the gif |
play | method to play the gif |
pause | method to pause the gif |
isPlaying | returns true if gif is playing otherwise false |
2 years ago