1.0.1 • Published 7 years ago

gif-engine-js v1.0.1

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Last release
7 years ago


Really basic JavaScript library written in ECMAScript 2017 for parsing GIF (/gɪf/ not /ˈdʒɪf/) files.


fetch("//url.to/my.gif") /* request for a GIF file, can also be a filesystem
                          * read if you use Node or similar */
    .then(response => response.arrayBuffer()) // grab the ArrayBuffer
    .then(GIF)                                // ArrayBuffer is first argument
    .then(async (gifObj, err) => {
      // code to manipulate raw GIF data or deal with error

      const inflatedFrameData = await gifObj.inflate(0);
      /* returns an array containing decompressed color codes of the first
       * frame and also expands the frame's object with this array
       * gifObj.frames[0].data === inflatedFrameData => true */

      const deinterlacedFrameData = await gifObj.deinterlace(0);
      /* returns an array containing deinterlaced color codes of the first
       * frame and also expands the frame's object with this array
       * gifObj.frames[0].deinterlacedData === deinterlacedFrameData => true
       * please note that you can call this function without calling
       * .inflate() first, because it will call it for you when the `data`
       * property is missing */

      const imageData = await gifObj.toImageData(0);
      /* returns an ImageData object ready to be used in a <canvas>
       * using this will NOT extend gifObj.frames[0] with an properties
       * please note that you can call this function without calling
       * .inflate() first *and .deinterlace() if necessary*, because it
       * will call them for you when necessary */


I needed a versatile library to process GIFs for personal use, but the already available libraries out there all came with extra fluff that made it look difficult to achieve what I wanted using them.

Return object

GIF will resolve into an Object if successfull. Will be referenced as gifObj from here on out. Please do note that a gifObj contains function methods and Symbol properties, so structured clone algorithm will fail to copy it properly to a worker. Importing the library into a worker itself is recommended instead.

Methods of a GIF object

These methods are, non-enumerable, non-configurable and non-writeable properties of gifObj. They are also asynchronous, non-generic functions that will throw if this is not a gifObj.

  • inflate: accepts two parameters index, ?clearRawData

    index: index of the frame to be processed, must be an int bigger than 0, will throw otherwise
    ?clearRawData: if this parameter is set to any truthy value, then the rawData property of gifObj.frames[index] will be set to void 0

    Returns an Array containing the LZW decompressed color codes of the frame and expands gifObj.frames[index] with this array to the data property.

  • deinterlace: accepts two parameters index, ?overwriteData

    index: index of the frame to be processed, must be an int bigger than 0, will throw otherwise
    ?overwriteData: if this parameter is set to any truthy value, then the data property of gifObj.frames[index] will be overwritten with the result

    Returns an Array containing the deinterlaced color codes of the frame and expands gifObj.frames[index] with this array to the deinterlacedData property. If overwriteData is true, then data will contain the result and deinterlacedData will be set to null. If the user didn't use .inflate(), then this function will do that with the optional parameter (clearRawData) set to true, to avoid needlessly taking up memory space. This method will only be called if the user omitted preprocessing the frames themselves.

  • toImageData: accepts one parameter index

    index: index of the frame to be processed, must be an int bigger than 0, will throw otherwise

    Returns an Array with this structure: [ImageData, offsetLeft, offsetTop]. It is recommended to destructure this array as parameters like so ctx.putImageData(...gifObj.toImageData(0)). If the user didn't use .inflate() or .deinterlace() if needed, then this function will do that with both optional parameters (clearRawData, overwriteData) set to true, to avoid needlessly taking up memory space. These methods will only be called if the user omitted preprocessing the frames themselves.

Properties of a GIF object

Property names are in line with the GIF specification, for more detailed explanation follow the link. gifObj also contains 2 Symbol properties for internal uses.

  • descriptor: object containing the Logical Screen Descriptor - type: Object
    • width: width of the GIF - type: uint16
    • height: height of the GIF - type: uint16
    • backgroundColorIndex: type: uint8
    • pixelAspectRatio: type: uint8
    • packed: the packed byte - type: Object
      • globalColorTableFlag: indicates whether a Global Color Table is present or not - type: int, 0 or 1
      • colorResolution: type: int
      • sortFlag: indicates whether the Global Color Table is sorted or not - type: int, 0 or 1
      • size: indicates the size of Global Color Table (2 ** ( size + 1 )) - type: int, 0-7
  • globalColorTable: type: Array if globalColorTableFlag equals 1, otherwise undefined
    individual colors are stored in Arrays with the length of 3
  • repeat: number of times for the GIF to be repeated, where 0 means repeat forever - type: uint8
  • frames: array containing the frames of the GIF - type: Array

Properties of frame object

The details of the frames are stored in an Object.

  • graphicExtension: object containing the Graphics Control Extension - type: Object
    • disposalMethod: type: int, 0-7
    • userInputFlag: type: int, 0 or 1
    • transparentColorFlag: type: int, 0 or 1
    • delay: the duration of which the frame should be displayed for in milliseconds - type: int
    • transparentColorIndex: type: uint8
  • descriptor: object containing the Image Descriptor - type: Object
    • left: offset of the Image Data from the left of the GIF - type: uint16
    • top: offset of the Image Data from the top of the GIF - type: uint16
    • width: width of the Image Data - type: uint16
    • height: height of the Image Data - type: uint16
    • packed: the packed byte - type: Object
      • localColorTableFlag: indicates whether a Local Color Table is present or not - type: int, 0 or 1
      • interlaceFlag: indicates whether the color codes are interlaced or not - type: int, 0 or 1
      • sortFlag: indicates whether the Local Color Table is sorted or not - type: int, 0 or 1
      • size: indicates the size of Local Color Table (2 ** ( size + 1 )) - type: int, 0-7
  • localColorTable: type: Array if localColorTableFlag equals 1, otherwise undefined
    individual colors are stored in Arrays with the length of 3
  • minCodeSize: minimum code size required for color table building - type: uint8, 2-8
  • rawData: contains the concatenated Image Data sub-blocks - type: Array, will be undefined if you call .inflate(index, true)
    individual bytes are stored as uint8s
  • data: contains decompressed color codes - type: Array if .inflate() was called, otherwise undefined
    individual codes are stored as uint8s
  • deinterlacedData: contains deinterlaced color codes - type: Array if .deinterlace() was called or null if .deinterlace(index, true) was called, otherwise undefined
    individual codes are stored as uint8s


See the project page on my GitHub Pages for an example usage. Worker addition can be found in this Gist.


What's In A GIF - Bit by Byte - Very easy to understand and detailed blog by Matthew Flickinger
gifuct-js - LZW and deinterlace by Matt Way
