0.0.6-beta • Published 3 years ago
gifizer v0.0.6-beta
Convert Videos to GIFs, APNGs, and WEBPs via ffmpeg.
npm i -g gifizer
TODO this section needs to be more friendly to read
gifizer <infile> (outfile) (...options)
If no outfile is provided the outfile will be 'infile_out.gif'
Use all defaults:
gifizer /path/to/video.mp4 /path/to/output.gif
Use "fast" preset:
gifizer /path/to/video.mp4 /path/to/output.gif --preset=fast
Use config from cli:
gifizer /path/to/video.mp4 /path/to/output.gif \
--framerate=24 \
--scale=320:-1 \
--max_colors=none \
--select=medium \
--dither.type=bayer \
--dither.new=true \
--help Display this message
--overwrite Overwrite the outfile if the path already exists
--no-overwrite Don't explode if the outfile already exists.
-n Overrides the --overwrite flag.
--debug Output more information during the run.
--verbose Output debug information and pipe the output of
-v ffmpeg to your stdio.
--format Set the output format. If one is not set we will
try to infer the output type based on the extension
of the outfile. If a format is provided the extension
of the outfile will be overridden.
'apng' | 'gif' | 'webp'
Conversion Options:
The following are options that will be passed to the underlying call
to ffmpeg. All Conversion options are optional. Sensible defaults will
be applied if an option is not set explicitally or by a preset.
--framerate The framerate of the output GIF.
number | 'variable'
--scale The scale of the output GIF. Takes a tuple of
numbers. Use -1 to maintain scale. i.e. 320:-1
--max_colors The maximum number of colors to use for pallettegen.
Lower numbers produce smaller outputs of a lower quality.
number | 'variable'
--select Changes how frames are skipped to produce the output gif.
'hard' | 'medium' | 'small'
--dither Configure the dithering used when generating the GIF.
DitherType | DitherConfig
See 'Dither' below.
Dithering is the application of "noise" to the output gif to smooth
the visual effects of compression.
Tweaking these options can produce much larger and higher quality
outputs - or much lower quality outputs and file sizes.
Dithering Types:
'bayer' | 'heckbert' | 'floyd_steinberg' | 'sierra2' | 'sierra2_4a'
Supplying just a dithering type will use the ffmpeg defaults for
the requested algorithm.
Further Options:
.type See Dithering Types
.new Set to force palleteuse to produce a new color
pallete for every frame of the input.
.bayer_scale Only applied to the 'bayer' dithering type.
Integer [0,5]. Lower = more visible pattern
Higher = more visible banding.
Default = 2.
.alpha_threshold Sets the alpha threshold for transparency.
Values above the threshold are opaque and values
below this threshold are considered transparent.
Integer [0,255]. Default is 128.
.use_alpha Take alpha values into account when applying
the palette. For use on sources with many colors
and alpha components.
Disables 'alpha_threshold'.
Gifizer has support for presets. There are 4 built in presets with
support for reading custom presets from config files.
Built-in Presets:
fast Focuses on finishing processing as fast as
possible while maintaining some semblance of quality.
high-quality Produces a very high quality GIF of the original
source with no regard for processing time or
final file size.
balanced Sensible comprimise between quality, speed, and
final file size.
low Attempts to produce the smallest file size possible
sacrificing quality in the process.
Custom Presets:
Custom presets are read from the following locations:
- ~/.gifizer.yaml
- ~/.gifizer.yml
- ./.gifizer.yaml
- ./.gifizer.yml
- ~/.gifizer.json
- ./.gifizer.json
Your Presets should follow the shape:
presets: {
'preset-name': {
<conversion options>
dither: <dither options>
3 years ago
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