1.0.8 • Published 7 years ago
gifpardy v1.0.8
What is a command-line video-to-GIF maker?
npm install -g gifpardy
Path to source video is the only required argument.
If the GIF output filename is not given, the source video filename will be used as a base.
gifpardy in.mp4
gifpardy in.mp4 out.gif
gifpardy -r 320x240 -d 8 in.mp4
gifpardy --resolution 1200x800 --delay 5 in.mp4 out.gif
Option | Description | Default Value |
-d, --delay | How much time to wait between frames in hundreths of a second. | 6 |
-r, --resolution | GIF resolution. | 1000x630 |
System Dependencies
Requires ffmpeg and gifsicle.
- ffmpeg
brew install ffmpeg
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
choco install ffmpeg
- gifsicle
brew install gifsicle
sudo apt-get install gifsicle
choco install gifsicle
Under the Hood
gifpardy calls a command that looks like this:
ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -s 600x400 -pix_fmt rgb24 -r 7 -f gif - | gifsicle --optimize=3 --delay=6 > out.gif
Taking a Screen Capture
Want to make a screen capture GIF, but don't know which screen recording tool to use?
- On Windows, try OBS Studio.
- On OS X, use QuickTime Player's screen recording tool (
<cmd> + ^ + N
Then run GIFPARDY on the output video. For a final GIFPARDY, a GIF we created with GIFPARDY: