0.3.1 • Published 8 years ago

git-commit-summary v0.3.1

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8 years ago

#Git commit summary

Easily generate release notes based on commit history.

Why do you need this module

A great repository is not only made by great code. Organization matter. When you make release of your code, you need to tel people what changed since the last release and why the new version rocks ! Most of the time, you don't remember exactly what was made between the last release and the incomming one. It takes you some time to remember and some time to write it down ...

Clear commits for a good cause

Of course, this tool is not magic (don't cry buddy, I did too when I discovered that but it's pointless). You need to follow some guidelines in order to generate the summary. Angular's commit guidelines are my favourites so far so I invite you to check it out. But don't worry, this module will also work if don't want to have the exact commit message format or those types feat|fix|docs|style|refactor|perf|test|chore till you respect :

<type-of-your-choice>(<scope-of-your-choice>): <subject>

Show me the awesome

Talking is cool, but how's the output ?

The following output comes from real-debrid-stream repository. It has been generated with an alpha version of this plugin.

ac1809dstyleReduce margin bottom
8307e3afixStream service cannot stream to Kodi
d6b6d6efixGulp watch throws an error because of empty src
2dc5929fixUse chrome storage instead of session storage
fc91081feat(build)Implement type definition manager for TypeScript
6fa3c0frefactorReduce tsAppConfig() and ts() functions to one abstract function
42cba1erefactorClean unused file
e107d7bfixMove inline script from index.html to a javascript file
b71a7fffeatAdd notifications support
ceadecdfeatStream service, use settings service to provide real data for real-debrid account and Kodi IP
cdb7de4refactorRemove unused code from angular2-seed
1ab2c70featCreate settings.service
b182d9dfeatCreate settings.component
86708a8fixCopy app manifest and icon into build folder
203a9c3featCreate stream.service
b17a2a3featCreate stream.component
4e01faafeatInit repository

You don't like tables ?

This module will be build with templates. This way, you'll be able to implement your own output or used pre-made templates (like lists).


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. When submitting a PR, make sure that the commit messages match the Angular's commit guidelines.




8 years ago


8 years ago