0.0.1 • Published 7 years ago

githubtst-slack-reminder v0.0.1

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Last release
7 years ago

Github slack reminder

At work you get lot's of review requests everyday that it becomes very hard to keep up with. Idealy you would check your mail every now and then, check github notifications etc. and it usually ends with someone spamming you on slack or coming to your disk asking for the review.

This little application monitors github repos for new pull requests and sends reminders periodically with an aggregation of the pull requests assigned to every person.


node index.js

Configurable parameters

parameters are configured via environment variables. | Environment variable | Description | Possible values | | ---------------------------------------------------| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------- | | GITHUB_TOKEN* | The github token (required) | String | | SLACK_TOKEN* | Slack token for a bot you have (required) | String | | Interval | The interval between to reminders in hours, defaults to 2 | Double | | REPOS_REGEX | Regex expression to watch only repos that match this expression dafaults to * | String | | ORGANIZATIONS | A comma seperated strings of organizations you want to watch defaults to empty string | String | | PERSONAL | Whether to watch personal repos defaults to false | Boolean | | CONFIG_PATH | The folder containing the configuration files such as mappings.json defaults to ./ | String |

Mappings file

You will need a mapping.json file which contains mappings between github usernames and slack usernames. The file location is specified in the CONFIG_PATH environment variable or by default in the root directory of the project.

example mapping.json

    "john1": "@john",
    "marry": "@maria"

where the key is the github username and the value is the slack username with a @. It can also be a channel if you replace the @ by a #

if a user is not specified in the mappings then he/she is ignored from reminders.