1.0.0 • Published 9 years ago

gitlab-mirroring v1.0.0

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Last release
9 years ago


Script for mirroring cordova plugins onto your own gitlab.

Usage Example

You have a json file listing out your upstream repositories:

    "remote": "git@github.com:apache/cordova-plugin-device",
    "name": "cordova-plugin-device"
    "remote": "git@github.com:apache/cordova-plugin-console",
    "name": "cordova-plugin-console"

You have a gulp task as such:

gulp.task('plugins:mirror', function(done) {
  var plugins = require('./sources');
    url:   'https://gitlab.your-org.com',
    token: 'yourapitoken123456',
    group: 'cordova'
  }).mirror(plugins).then(function(mirrors) {
    console.log('Finished mirroring.');
    console.log(JSON.stringify(mirrors, null, 2));

The script will then proceed to

  • find or create a group named cordova
  • clone the sources down into a temp folder
  • find or create a public project in gitlab in the group cordova
  • force push the code to the gitlab mirror

The final return value is an array exactly like the input, except with remotes rewritten to the gitlab remotes.