2.0.0 • Published 8 years ago

gl-render-cubemap v2.0.0

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8 years ago


Renders a scene into a cubemap.


npm install gl-render-cubemap


var mat4 = require('gl-mat4')
var Geometry = require('gl-geometry')
var glShader = require('gl-shader')
var glslify = require('glslify')
var createTextureCube = require('gl-texture-cube')
var CubemapRenderer = require('gl-render-cubemap')

var cmr = new CubemapRenderer(1024)

var program = glShader(cmr.gl, glslify('./noise.vert'), glslify('./noise.frag'))

var canvases = cmr.render(function renderFace(params) {
  var geometry = Geometry(cmr.gl)
    .attr('aPosition', params.quad)

  var view = mat4.create()
  mat4.lookAt(view, [0, 0, 0], params.forward, params.up)

  var projection = mat4.create()
  mat4.perspective(projection, params.fov, params.aspect, 0.01, 10.0)

  program.uniforms.uView = view
  program.uniforms.uProjection = projection

var cubemap = createTextureCube(gl, canvases)

The general workflow is to:

  1. Create a CubemapRenderer object.
  2. Use the CubemapRenderer object's WebGL context to perform any needed preparations for rendering.
  3. Call the CubemapRenderer object's render function with a function that will render your scene.


var CubemapRenderer = require('gl-render-cubemap')

var cmr = new CubemapRenderer(resolution)

Returns a CubemapRenderer object. This object has an attached gl field which should be used (independent of any non-cubemap rendering) to set up and render your cubemap.

Takes an integer resolution which defines the resolution of each face of the cubemap.

var canvases = cmr.render(function renderScene() {...})

Returns a set of canvas objects:

  pos: {
    x: canvas,
    y: canvas,
    z: canvas
  neg: {
    x: canvas,
    y: canvas,
    z: canvas

...which can be immediately consumed by gl-texture-cube.

Takes a renderScene function that is used to render your scene into the cubemap. It is called six times (once for each cubemap face) and is provided with a params object.

The params object contains the following fields:

  fov: float, radians       // field of view you should use in your projection matrix
  resolution: integer       // resolution you provided to renderCubemap
  aspect: float             // aspect ratio you should use in your projection matrix
  forward: vec3             // direction you should set your view matrix to face
  up: vec3                  // up direction for your view matrix
  quad: flat position array // convenience geometry for rendering with raycasting techniques

With the exception of quad, most of the above should be pretty clear. The quad object is a flat array of positions that represent the face of the cubemap being rendered. You can use this to create a gl-geometry for use in your glsl program to easily calculate a ray from the origin into your scene.

This pattern is used in the included starfield example:


var canvases = cmr.render(function (params) {
  var geometry = Geometry(params.gl)
    .attr('aPosition', params.quad)

  program.uniforms.uView = view
  program.uniforms.uProjection = projection

Vertex Shader

attribute vec3 aPosition;

uniform mat4 uView;
uniform mat4 uProjection;

varying vec3 vPosition;

void main() {
    gl_Position = uProjection * uView * vec4(aPosition, 1.0);
    vPosition = aPosition;

Fragment Shader

varying vec3 vPosition;

void main() {
    vec3 p = normalize(vPosition); // <-- This is the ray direction
                                   //     derived from the quad geometry.

    float n = 0.5 * snoise3(p * 128.0) + 0.5;
    n = pow(n, 24.0);
    gl_FragColor = vec4(n*0.5,n*0.75,n, 1.0);