0.1.1 • Published 7 years ago

glob-exec v0.1.1

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7 years ago


Yet another command-line wrapper for glob!


glob-exec [--foreach [--parallel]] [--glob [glob-options]] glob-pattern command

glob-pattern is a glob pattern as detailed in the glob documentation.

foreach specifies that the command should be executed for each file found.
If not specified, the default is to run a single command with all files.

parallel specifies that commands should be executed in parallel.
It only applies when foreach is specified.
If not specified, the default is to run commands in sequence.

glob-options are a list of (subarg)https://www.npmjs.com/package/subarg formatted options that will be passed to the glob function.

command is the command that will be executed. See the Details section below for additional information.


glob-exec runs in two different modes of operation that have different semantics. The first one is used when foreach is not specified on the command-line. It is the default mode and is called the all mode. The second one is used when foreach is specified on the command-line. It is called the foreach mode.

In both modes, the command argument can use basic JavaScript expressions by surrounding them with two sets of curly brackets (like this: {{...}}). The result of the expression will be converted to string and replaced in the command (for example: {{new Date().toISOString()}}).

This JavaScript expression can use all Node.js global objects as well as some mode-specific variables. This allows for quite complex yet familiar usage of the globbing expression result (for example: {{files.join(' ** ')}} or {{file.relative('./src').substr(0, 3)}}). See the Examples section below for more complex examples.

Any expression found which is not valid JavaScript (or which throws an exception) will not be replaced in the resulting command.

all mode

This mode is used when foreach is not specified on the command-line.

With this mode, a single command will be run. It may/should process all the files found by the globbing expression.

In addition to Node.js global objects, the command may use the following variable:

foreach mode

This mode is used when foreach is specified on the command-line.

With this mode, the command will be run for each file found by the globbing expression.

In addition to Node.js global objects, the command may use the following variable:


all mode

# prints the number of files found (by accessing the length property) and the files themselves
glob-exec "./src/**/*.ts" -- "echo found {{files.length}} files: {{files}}!"

> found 2 files: ./src/cli.ts,./src/glob-exec.ts!
# invokes browserify on all files to create a single bundle
# passes the output to exorcist to extract the source-map
glob-exec "./lib/**/*.js" -- "browserify --debug {{files.join(' ')}} | exorcist ./browser/index.js.map > ./browser/index.js"
# shows how complex JavaScript can be done
glob-exec "./lib/**/*.js" -- "echo {{(function() { var fs = require('fs'); return files.map(function(f) { return f + ': ' + fs.statSync(f).mtime.toISOString(); }).join(', '); })()}}"

> ./lib/cli.js: 2017-04-01T10:42:12.359Z, ./lib/glob-exec.js: 2017-04-01T10:42:12.339Z

foreach mode

# prints each file found in foreach mode
glob-exec --foreach "./src/**/*.ts" -- "echo found {{file}}"

> found ./src/cli.ts
> found ./src/glob-exec.ts
# shows that commands are executed in sequence when used without --parallel
glob-exec --foreach "./src/**/*.ts" -- "node -e \"setTimeout(function() { console.log(new Date().toTimeString() + ': {{file}}'); }, 2000);\""

> 10:42:02 GMT+0200 (Romance Daylight Time): ./src/cli.ts
> 10:42:04 GMT+0200 (Romance Daylight Time): ./src/glob-exec.ts
# shows that commands are executed simultaneously when used with --parallel
glob-exec --foreach --parallel "./src/**/*.ts" -- "node -e \"setTimeout(function() { console.log(new Date().toTimeString() + ': {{file}}'); }, 2000);\""

> 11:42:04 GMT+0200 (Romance Daylight Time): ./src/cli.ts
> 11:42:04 GMT+0200 (Romance Daylight Time): ./src/glob-exec.ts
# invokes browserify on each file to create a bundle per file
# passes the output to exorcist to extract the source-map
glob-exec --foreach --parallel "./lib/**/*.js" -- "browserify --debug {{file}} | exorcist ./browser/{{file.relative('./lib')}}.map > ./browser/{{file.relative('./lib')}}"

Copyright & License

Copyright Franck Pascutti 2017.
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)