global-stats v1.1.2
global-stats is a simple module that generates URLs to query the StatCounter Global Stats database.
StatCounter Global Stats is something of an authority on internet-usage statistics, and they kindly make their data available (in CSV format) under a CC BY-SA 3.0 license. Unfortunately, the URLs for fetching said data are quite inelegant, so this module attempts to simplify their generation.
$ npm install global-stats
var gs = require('global-stats')
var url = gs({
stat: 'browser',
platforms: [
country: 'AU',
start: '2015',
end: '2015'
Because global-stats
is only concerned with generating URLs, you’ll need to call on a few more single-purpose modules in order to access the data.
var gs = require('global-stats')
var hyperquest = require('hyperquest')
var parse = require('csv-parser')
var JSON = require('JSONStream')
var url = gs({
stat: 'browser',
platforms: [
country: 'AU',
start: '2015',
end: '2015'
global-stats ({
stat (string):
one of the following:
platforms (array || string):
one or more of the following:
[country (string)]:
optional ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code
if no country is specified, the data will be worldwide
start (string):
the desired granularity of the data is inferred
from the format of this date. valid formats are:
daily: '2013-12-01',
weekly: '2013-W48',
monthly: '2013-12',
quarterly: '2013-Q4',
yearly: '2013'
end (string):
must use the same formatting as start
Beyond enforcing required options and ensuring consistent date formatting, global-stats
makes no attempt to validate query parameters. Therefore, your application needs to check its own date ranges and country codes. That said, global-stats
does provide lists of valid stat types, platforms, and granularity regular expressions. These can be consumed like so:
var gs = require('global-stats')
var stats = require('global-stats/stats')
var platforms = require('global-stats/platforms')
var granularities = require('global-stats/granularities')
var yearly = granularities.yearly
var start = '2008'
var end = '2015'
if (!yearly.test(start) || !yearly.test(end)) {
throw new Error('Bad dates')
var url = gs({
stat: stats[0],
platforms: platforms.slice(1, 3),
start: start,
end: end