4.0.0 • Published 6 years ago

go-plugin-quiz v4.0.0

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go-plugin-quiz example

Go plugin to communicate with user using shell prompt.

This plugin is made on top of Inquirer. Thanks @sboudrias and @mischah for it!

Table of Contents



$ npm install --save-dev go go-plugin-quiz
import go from 'go'
import { QuizPlugin } from 'go-plugin-quiz'

Quick Start

Quiz Plugin helps you to communicate with your users using shell prompts. It let you ask a question or a sequence of questions using simple API. For example, you may want to ask a user to enter a custom string:

go.ask('What is your favorite color?')
  .then((color) => {
    console.log(`We've changed skin of your site to ${color} one`)

Or you can predefine a list of available options:

  message: 'What is your favorite color?',
  choices: [ 'Red', 'Blue', 'Green' ]
}).then((color) => {
  console.log(`We've changed skin of your site to ${color} one`)

There are different types of prompts:

  type: 'confirm',
  message: 'Do you want to deploy code to production?'
}).then((confirmed) => {
  console.log(confirmed ? 'Good luck!' : 'Let\'s do more testing!')

And then you can chain them:

  { name: 'server',
    message: 'Where do you want to deploy?',
    choices: [ 'test server', 'stage', 'production' ] },
  { name: 'continue',
    type: 'confirm',
    message: 'You are about to deploy it. Continue?' }
]).then((answers) => {
  if (answers.continue) {
    console.log(`Deploying to ${answers.server}`)
  } else {
    console.log('Let\'s do more testing!')




go.confirm( message [ , default ] ): Promise<Answer>

This is a shortcut for go.ask( { type: 'confirm', message, default } )


go.ask( questions [ , defaults ] ): Promise<Answer | Answers[]>

Asks a user for input in a shell.

  • questions {string|object|array} — can be a Question Object, a string (it will resolve to message property of a question), or an array with mix of Question Objects and strings.
  • defaults {object} — is an object that defined default properties for each question in a list.

Every call of the ask is creating a new session that can be used to change ask behavior during execution.


go.ask.separator( [ message ] ): ChoicesSeparator

Generate a special object that can be used in choices to create an inactive line in the list.

  • message {stirng} — text to be used in a separator


go.registerQuestion( type, prompt ): void

Register a new question type.

  • type {string} — name of a new question type
  • prompt {object} — InquirerPrompt instance

For more details, read chapter More Types

Question Object

Every question is an object that may contain one or multiple of options listed below.


  • Valid types: string
  • Possible values: "input", "confirm", "list", "rawlist", "expand", "checkbox", "password", "editor", "autocomplete", and more
  • Default value: "input"
  • Supported questions: ALL

The type of the question.


  • Valid types: string
  • Supported questions: ALL

The name that will be used to store answer in the answers object.


  • Required
  • Valid types: string | function
  • Function arguments: answers
  • Supported questions: ALL

The question to print. If defined as a function, the first parameter will be the answers object of the current session.


Default value(s) to use if nothing is entered, or a function that returns the default value(s). If defined as a function, the first parameter will be the answers object of the current session.


Choices is an array or a function returning a choices array. If defined as a function, the first parameter will be the answers object of the current session. Array values can be simple strings, or objects containing a name (to display in list), a value (to save in the answers object), a short (to display after selection) properties, and a checked (to make it selected when using with Checkbox). The choices array can also contain a Separator.


Receive the user input and answers object. Should return true if the value is valid, and an error message (string) otherwise. If false is returned, a default error message is provided.


Receive the user input and answers object. Return the filtered value that will be stored to the answers object.


  • Valid types: function
  • Function arguments: input, answers
  • Supported questions: Input

Receive the user input and answers object. Return the transformed value to be displayed to the user. The transformation only impacts what is shown while editing. It does not impact the answers object.


  • Valid types: boolean | function
  • Function arguments: answers
  • Supported questions: ALL

Receive the current user answers object and should return true or false depending on whether or not this question should be asked. The value can also be a simple boolean.


Change the number of lines that will be rendered.


  • Valid types: string
  • Supported questions: ALL

Change the default prefix message.


  • Valid types: string
  • Supported questions: ALL

Change the default suffix message.


  • Valid types: string
  • Supported questions: Password

Replace every entered character with the given string.


  • Valid types: boolean
  • Default value: false
  • Supported questions: Checkbox

If type is not declared, but choices list is defined and multiple is truthy, the question type is assigned to checkbox.


  • Valid types: array | function
  • Function arguments: input, answers
  • Supported questions: Autocomplete

If defined as a function, the first parameter will be the user input and the second is the answers object of the current session. source function must return a promise. If source defined as an array it will be wrapped with a function that filters list by case-insensitive partial match. For the first time before the user types anything source will be called with null as the value. If a new search is triggered by user input it maintains the correct order, meaning that if the first call completes after the second starts, the results of the first call are never displayed.


  • Valid types: boolean
  • Default value: false
  • Supported questions: Autocomplete

Setting it to true turns the input into a normal text input. Meaning that pressing enter selects whatever value you currently have. And pressing tab autocompletes the currently selected value in the list. This way you can accept manual input instead of forcing a selection from the list.


The session stores all user answers to return them as a result of execution and make them available during runtime as an answers argument of questions methods like when, validate and others.

The answers object is of a type array and stores answers in the same order as questions were organized. As well, answers object has a property named _ (underscore) that contains a hash object with answers for questions that were defined with name attribute that is used as a key in that object. The same list of keys is assigned to answers object. It makes using ask together with destructuring object assignment nicer.

A new session is created for every ask call.


go.ask and go.confirm return promises as the result. It resolves either with what user choose or entered or with an answers object created in session when go.ask was called with an array of questions.

You may use Promises, async/await and destructuring assignment features to retrieve answer(s):

// Retrieving an answer for a single question

go.ask('What is your name?')
  .then((name) => { /* … */ })
// or
(async () => {
  const name = await go.ask('What is your name?')
// Retrieving answers for multiple questions

const answers = await go.ask([
  { name: 'name', 'How to name your project?' },
  { name: 'description', 'Give it a short description:' }
// or
const [ name, description ] = await go.ask([
  { name: 'name', 'How to name your project?' },
  { name: 'description', 'Give it a short description:' }
// or
const { name, description } = await go.ask([
  { name: 'name', 'How to name your project?' },
  { name: 'description', 'Give it a short description:' }

Question Types

Available Types

when, prefix and suffix are available and optional for all types.


{ type: 'input' ,message[ ,name,default,filter,validate,transformer] }

Basic text input.


{ type: 'password' ,message[ ,name,default,filter,validate,mask] }

It is like Input but hides what was entered or replace it with mask string.


{ type: 'confirm' ,message[ ,name,default] }

Suggest to enter 'y' or 'n' and if entered string starts with 'y' or 'Y' results to true, otherwise results to false.


{ type: 'list' ,message,choices[ ,name,default,filter,pageSize] }

Note that default must be the choice index in the array or a choice value.

Offer a list of options where the one can be selected using arrow keys (Up and Down).

Raw List

{ type: 'rawlist' ,message,choices[ ,name,default,filter,pageSize] }

Note that default must be the choice index in the array or a choice value.

Offer a list of options where the one can be selected by entering an index number.


{ type: 'checkbox' ,message,choices[ ,name,default,filter,validate,pageSize] }

Note that default must be an array of values that suppose to be selected.

Offer a list of options and let to choose several of them by navigation with arrow keys (Up and Down) and using Space to select an option. Pressing a on keyboard will select all of the options and i will inverse all selctions.

Choices can have disabled key. If disabled is truthy the option will be unselectable. If disabled is a string, then the string will be outputted next to the disabled choice. The disabled property can also be a synchronous function receiving the current answers as argument and returning a boolean or a string.


{ type: 'autocomplete' ,message,source[ ,name,filter,suggestOnly,validate,pageSize] }

Offer a list of options where the one can be selected using arrow keys (Up and Down) and the list can be filtered by typing text in. Read how to filter source list and how autocomplete can only suggest options.


{ type: 'editor' ,message[ ,name,default,filter,validate] }

Launches an instance of the users preferred editor on a temporary file. Once the user exits their editor, the contents of the temporary file are read in as the result. The editor to use is determined by reading the $VISUAL or $EDITOR environment variables. If neither of those are present, notepad (Windows) or vim (Linux or Mac) is used.


{ type: 'expand' ,message,choices[ ,name,default,pageSize] }

Note that default must be the choice index in the array or a choice value. If default key not provided, then help will be used as default choice.

Offer a list of options and let to choose one using a key alias. choices object will take an extra parameter called key. This parameter must be a single lowercased character. The 'h' option is added by the prompt to show a list of available options and shouldn't be defined by the user.

Duck Typing

It is not required to provide a type property to specify the question type. There are some rules that are used to determine the type of a question if it is not specified.

  1. If type is specified, it won't change, otherwise…
  2. If choices object is presented
    1. If multiple property is truthy, then type is 'checkbox'
    2. Otherwise, type is 'list'
  3. If source is presented, type is 'autocomplete'
  4. Otherwise, type is 'input'

More Types

This is not the exhaustive list of question types. You can add more types using Inquirer plugins with go.registerQuestion:

const go = require('go')

go.registerQuestion('datetime', require('inquirer-datepicker-prompt'))


The examples that are using async/await feature won't be covered in async function to reduce amount of code in examples.

Ask for the basic text input

go.ask('project name:')
  .then(name => console.log(`creating new project called ${name}…`))

Ask a question with options

go.ask('project name:', { default: 'my-project' })

Question as an object

go.ask({ message: 'project name:', default: 'my-project' })

Ask a sequence of questions

const [ name, dest ] = await go.ask([
  { message: 'project name', default: 'my-project' },
  'destination folder'

Default options for multiple questions

const [ name, dest ] = await go.ask([
  'project name:',
  'destination folder:'
], { default: 'my-project' })

Named answers

const { name, dest } = await go.ask([
  { name: 'name',
    message: 'project name',
    default: 'my-project' },

  { name: 'dest',
    message: 'destination folder' }

Conditional questions

Using when property let you choose in runtime which questions have to be skipped.

const { dest } = await go.ask([
  { name: 'install',
    type: 'confirm',
    message: 'do you want to install extension pack?' },
  { name: 'dest',
    message: 'where to install it?',
    when: (answers) => answers.install }

Input validation

validate property can be used to prevent entering incorrect data.

const password = await go.ask({
  type: 'password',
  message: 'set password:',
  validate: (input) => {
    if (input.trim().length < 8) {
      return 'password can\'t contain less then 8 characters'

    return true

Answer transformation

const keep = await go.ask({
  type: 'confirm',
  message: 'Do you want to delete it?',
  transformer: answer => !answer

// with multiple answers

const { states, getCode } => require('./states')
const codes = await go.ask({
  message: 'Select states',
  multiple: true,
  choices: states,
  transform: selected => selected.map(state => getCode(state))


MIT © Stanislav Termosa