2.1.0 • Published 5 years ago

goertzel-node v2.1.0

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5 years ago


A WebAudio Node that implements the goertzel algorithm.

The Goertzel algorithm is a Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technique that provides a means for efficient evaluation of individual terms of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT),


This package implement a WebAudio node which detects if a specified frequency is present in the audio stream using the goertzel algorithm.


  • Exposes a (settable) threshold based simple boolean detected.
  • Runs in real-time in WebAudio using a ScriptProcessorNode.
  • Efficient and performant.
  • Uses asm.js if available in the browser.
  • Passes through the audio stream for further processing and output.
  • Allows specification of which channel is to be analyzed.


  • Move to upcoming AudioWorkletNode when available.


GoertzelNode uses the ScriptProcessorNode and performs the Goertzel algorithm on every chunk of data that comes through the ScriptProcessorNode. The calculations are performed on a chunk by chunk bases and the outputs (power, and detected) are updated on every chunk as well.


The package exposes a node.js style API, and is designed to be used tools such as browserify.

A standalone browserified file is also available here, which creates a global named GoertzelNode when included in the html.

npm install goertzel-node

var GoertzelNode = require('goertzel-node'); // only if using browserify.

var audioContext = new AudioContext();
var osc = audioContext.createOscillator();
var gn = new GoertzelNode(audioContext);

gn.targetFrequency = 440; // 440Hz


var result = gn.detected; //boolean true/false



  • GoertzelNode : Creates a new GoertzelNode. - eg :

    var gn = new GoertzelNode(audioContext);
    • arguments: - audioContext : AudioContext - The AudioContext within which the GoertzelNode is to be created.



  • targetFrequency: Number - The value of the frequency (in Hertz) that is to be detected by the GoertzelNode. It defaults to 440.

    	gn.targetFrequency = 440; // Set the frequency to be detected to be 440.
    	- `targetFrequency` can be set at any time. Once set, the GoertzelNode will start calculating and outputting the values for that frequency at every chunk.
  • passthrough: Boolean - Boolean value defining if the Node passes the audio through to the destination or not. Default value is true.

    	gn.passthrough = false; // Ensures that audio from the oscillator doesn't get played out.
  • channel: Number - The channel of the input audio stream to be used for analysis. The default value is 1.

    	gn.channel = 1; // Set the channel of the input audio stream to be analyzed.
    	- Since WebAudio streams can have multiple channels and the Goertzel algorithm run on individual channels, this property allows one to choose which channel to run the  Goertzel algorithm on.
  • power: Number - Returns the power of the audio of the input audio stream at the targetFrequency. This value is normalised to chunkSize and should be a maximum of 0.25 for a perfect match.

    	var power = gn.power;  // Get the power.
    	- This is the result of Goertzel algorithm. It can be used to decide if enough energy is detected at the `targetFrequency`.
  • threshold: Number - Sets a threshold of power used to decide if the targetFrequency was detected.

    	gn.threshold = 0.22;  // Set the threshold to 0.22.
    	- If calculated `power` power is higher than `threshold` then `detected` is set as true.
  • detected: Boolean - Returns if the targetFrequency was detected in the input audio stream.

    	var detected = gn.detected; // If the frequency was detected in the input audio stream.



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